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WALKING AROUND THE STREETS of Novokribirsk, in search of a means of transport to Os Kervo. But it seemed like only Nyx cared about that, since David and Zoya would always stop at certain stands that sold something that peaked their interest. One moment the three of them would be walking together and the next they'd be only two, not even noticing the missing person until a little later.

Nyx tried not to pay much attention to them. After all she could understand their fascination, since the only time they left the Little Palace was when Aleksander send them on missions. They never had tome to actually do things they wanted to do. So, while they enjoyed their moments of freedom, she focused on finishing transport.

"Nyx! Isn't this beautiful?" Zoya calls out, making Nyx turn around to see her holding up a beautiful blue silk dress. Nyx nods with a warm smile.

"It would look amazing on you." Nyx hums, before continuing her search. She notices a man standing in front of stables and decides to try her luck as she walks up to him. "Hi, do you offer transportation services?"

"No, no. I'm just selling the horses." The man says with a nod of greeting and Nyx hums. She tries to think this through, on the long term if she bought three horses, it would make things a lot easier. On the other hand, they had limited funds, since she was unable to take everything with her before leaving. The only thing worth selling she had was the necklace Aleksander had given to her.

"I'll take three of your best horses then. Make sure there is a saddle and reign, I'll pay for them if necessary." Nyx decides and the man nods immediately in gratitude. He rushes out to his horses and picks out three of them, each different colours. A chestnut, a dun and black horse.

The black one reminded her of Aleksander's horse and a fond smile forms on her lips at her memories of their rides together. The memory quickly turns sour as she remembers how during the last few months instead of asking her to go on rides with him, he'd ask Alina instead.

She takes a look around as she waits and sighs. Novokribirsk was an essential city to Ravka, being the twin city of Kribisk. She'd have to make sure to cut off all possible access to Novokribirsk once she had military power. It would be hard on West Ravka, due to the fact that they required resources from the other side of the Fold, but it was a sacrifice she had to make, to anger the King and the Darkling.

"Hey you'll never guess what we heard." David says excitedly as he and Zoya appear out of nowhere in front of her. She is slightly startled, but keeps her composure for the most part.

"Saints. Don't just sneak up on me like that." Nyx grumbles but the two ignore her.

"Listen, apparently the General is making a speech in front of everyone. Rumours have spread that the Darkling is soon going into the Fold with the Sun Summoner." Zoya explains and Nyx straightens up as she pays close attention to what they're saying.

"Apparently the General might consider not stopping the fight for West Ravka's independency even if the Fold is destroyed." David continues with a beam, seeming to be proud of himself. Nyx smiles at him encouragingly.

"After his speech, he will be making his way up here to welcome the Darkling once they do the crossing." Zoya finalises and Nyx nods in acknowledgment.

"So we have to make sure to strike before he leaves." Nyx muses in thought and they nod in agreement.

"Here are your horses, milaya." The man says as he comes back, holding the three horses by their reigns. Nyx turns to face him and nods, before handing him the necessary amount of money.

"Spasibo." She thanks him and lowers her head in show of gratitude, before taking the reigns from him. "Okay, take your pick."

"Did you... did you just buy three horses?" David asks in disbelief and she nods in confirmation. Zoya scoffs in disbelief.

"You're unbelievable, Nyx." Zoya says as she reaches out for the dun horse and takes its reign. "How do you even have all this money anyway?"

"Unfortunately if I had taken all the money I own we wouldn't have to worry about our survival plan in Os Kervo now." Nyx hums as David takes the reign of the chestnut horse, leaving her with the black one. She runs her hand over its mane, before softly patting it. "Anyway, let's go. We don't have much time left to get started."

"It feels like we're about to take over the world." David muses as they mount their horses and Nyx chuckles.

"Close enough, don't you think?" She asks teasingly as she slips her feet into the stirrups, before lightly kicking her foot against the belly of the horse, making it starting walking. Zoya and David follow quickly behind.

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