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SHE FORCES A SMILE AS SHE walks past all the important people, here to see the demonstration from the sun summoner. She was looking for Aleksander, to go greet the Queen and King, as they always did it together. And trying to find him in this massive crowd was no easy feat.

"Nyx!" All her priorities are forgotten at the sound of her best friend's voice as she turns around to see Zoya, who was finally back. "Look at you! Beautiful as always."

"Saints, Zoya! I've missed you so much." Nyx walks up to her and pulls her in a hug. Zoya chuckles as she hugs her back. "I was going to loose my sanity without you here."

"I've been updated. The fight between the General and you. Are things okay?" Zoya asks in worry and Nyx shakes her head reassuringly as she grins.

"Everything is perfect. I have so much to tell you." Nyx says excitedly, making Zoya beam with just as much enthusiasm.

"Well, I can't wait for you to tell me all about it." Zoya hums, making Nyx chuckle and nod in agreement. Before any of the two can say anything else, someone cuts in.

"I'm sure this reunion is very heartwarming, but may I borrow my second in command?" Nyx turns to smile at Aleksander, before looking back at Zoya, who gives her an understanding nod.

"Come to my room later, we have so much to talk about." Nyx says to Zoya, who nods. Nyx walks up to Aleksander and they start walking together. "Please do the talking with the king."

"Of course. I would rather not have the Second Army purged for your loose mouth." He says teasingly and she glares up at him, causing him to chuckle. "Oh, lighten up darling. Or maybe should I call Alina to help with that."

"Saints, please stop. Those are such bad jokes. How are you considered charismatic?" She wonders and he shrugs.

"The face maybe." He hums, making her roll her eyes, but she couldn't deny that his face was definitely a big part of his charm. She brushes her fingers over the black embroidery decorating her kefta, smiling fondly at the eclipse on the cuffs. "Maybe one day I'll give you a black kefta."

"Oh dear, people might think I'm coming for your position." She points out and he chuckles.

"For all that matters, you could." He says jokingly, making her snort. Her amusement ends as the dais with the thrones come in sight, the Queen and King seated.

"General and.... Nyx." The King forces a smile, making her bite her tongue to stop herself from making a snarky remark.

"Tsar. Moya tsaritsa. I do hope you're both enjoying the festivities." Aleksander greets them as he and Nyx bow quickly to show their respect.

"I must confess, I'm not bored." The King says and Nyx rolls her eyes, looking away in annoyance.

"I quite like it. There's always been a certain... quaintness about the Little Palace." The Queen chuckles and Nyx has to fight every fibre in her body now to stop herself from doing anything reckless. She truly hated the King and Queen.

As she keeps her eyes anywhere but at the royalty, her eyes fall to the door and her whole body stiffens as she sees the person entering. Black kefta. The one Aleksander had just been thinking of giving her one day, but this one was not for her. How foolish had she been to actually believe that he saw her as an equal, when he only ever could consider Alina as his true equal.

And the fact that she was here in a black kefta - one of the only two Grishas to ever wear black - while Nyx wore the common red Corporalki Kefta. Saints, even the black embroidery designs were not unique to her. Only the little eclipses on her sleeves, not visible to anyone who didn't pay attention.

She turns to look at Aleksander in disbelief, only to see him looking at Alina in awe. Her heart shatters. She was so foolish, unnecessarily foolish. Why for even a second, did she think he would see her as an equal.

"I shall excuse myself, the demonstration shall start soon." Nyx barely breaths out and before anyone can even process what she said, she slips into the crowd. Stupidly, she glances over her shoulder in hopes that he'd chase after her, but instead she watches as he walks towards Alina. She only lets out a scoff.

"Is that a black kefta?" Zoya appears by her side and Nyx clenches her jaw. Anger boils her blood and all she can see is fury.

"I'm done. I'm sick and tired of playing his games. I'm leaving." Nyx says, her voice shaking slightly and Zoya looks at her with sympathy.

"Come on, let's get out of here. We can have something to drink in my room." Zoya suggests, but Nyx shakes her head.

"You don't understand. I mean the Little Palace. I'm not staying another singular day in this place." She says firmly, making Zoya's eyes widen. Before the Squaller can comment on it, Nyx rushes out of the room in the direction of her bedroom, Zoya following right in tow.

"Calm down for a second, Nyx. The Little Palace is your whole life, you've dedicated years to getting to the position you have now. You can't possible give up now." Zoya tries to rationalise with Nyx, but she is too blinded by anger to think straight.

"No. I want him to feel the pain he makes me go through, promising to be equals, only to be replaced by a child! I'm going to take everything from him. Starting with what he values most." Nyx snarls as she slams the doors to her room open. Zoya stops at the doorway and watches her best friend with wide eyes.

"What is it that he values most?" Zoya asks curiously and Nyx turns around.

"Ravka. I'm going to take Ravka away from him. Starting with West Ravka."

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