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NYX SMILES AT IVAN AS SHE TAKES her seat next to him. Normally she'd dine with the General, but after their fight, she wasn't ready to face him. Not for a while at least. Her seat was right between Ivan and Aleksander's seat, at the head of the table.

"What brings us the honour of your presence today?" Fedyor asks as he leans forward to look past Ivan at Nyx, who shrugs in response. "Is it true that you and the Darkling fought?"

"Why do you know that?" Nyx asks, slightly amused by how gossipy he could be.

"You and the General are basically the parents of all the Grishas, not knowing when your parents are fighting is like not knowing your birthday." Fedyor points out and Nyx snorts, as Ivan gives him a questioning look.

"Right. Well father dearest is being an absolute asshole. I'd break his arteries if I could." Nyx grumbles as she looks down at the plate being set in front of her.

"You can, it's just you'd be considered a traitor." Ivan muses softly and she shrugs nonchalantly.

"Another time then." Nyx jokes and Fedyor chuckles softly.

"If it makes you feel better, if you and dad do separate, I will most definitely choose you over him." Fedyor says encouragingly and Nyx sighs, smiling softly. She knew well enough that chances of anyone siding with her if she chose to go against the General, would be slim. Not that she would ever consider it, sure they were not on good terms now, but she couldn't dare go against her long time friend. Or could she?

"On to more pressing issues. Would you like to announce the news?" Ivan as he waves the scroll in front of Nyx, who waves him off.

"Absolutely not. You go ahead. Forget I'm even here." She says and Ivan nods in acceptance. When she had first met him, she had felt extremely intimidated by his undeniable loyalty and his inability to tolerate people, except for the few exceptions. Now, she found it nice to have him around. He was an extremely good soldier.

He was quite the opposite from Fedyor, who was naturally charismatic and outgoing. Yet, there where times she could see Fedyor be more like Ivan, especially when working. Nevertheless, she enjoyed talks with him and Genya, when she was not with Aleksander or Zoya.

"News..." Ivan exclaims loud enough to catch the attention of everyone is the room. He pushes himself up, making everyone turn to look at him. Nyx spots Alina from the corner of her eye, seated among the Etheralki. "From the Fjerdan front. In the First Army, many casualties in the 18th, 27th and 36th battalions. Also among the dead, six healers, four Inferni and three Heartrenders. The Fjerdans will be no match against an unified Ravka."

"If only our sun summoner was not too busy eating figs." Nyx muses out loud, turning her attention to Alina, who stiffens and looks down guiltily. Ivan smirks as he sits down, nodding in agreement. "Rather than training and fighting your own battles."

"Nyx." Fedyor says calmly, trying to get the second in command to calm down and not cause a scene. "It's better to not do this."

"She's not wrong." Ivan says firmly, his voice lower, so only the three of them can hear him. "What good is she if she can't even fight?"

"She only just found out she's Grisha. Give her some time." Fedyor says, glancing between Ivan and Nyx. The other Grishas start talking among themselves, Nyx's harsh remarks now long forgotten by all, but Alina.

"She doesn't even want to be one and our whole lives depend on her? How is that making any sense? This has to be some sick joke from the Saints." Nyx snarls as she takes her fork and stabs into the food angrily.

"Well, unfortunately it isn't. So tolerate her, if not for the sake of the General at least for Ravka. She is the solution." Fedyor reminds her and she scoffs, clenching her jaw angrily. "Let's not discuss this for now. Alright?"

"Fine. This tires me anyway. Any plans for tomorrow? I need someone to train with." Nyx glances at them and Fedyor shakes his head.

"No. I actually do not want to die. So I will not be fighting you. Ivan on the other hand, I'm sure he's up for it." Fedyor suggests, receiving a glare from Ivan.

"I do enjoy a good fight, but I don't have a death wish. Fighting with Nyx within a week after she got angry, is an immediate death wish. How about you against our saviour?" Ivan asks, nodding in the direction of where Alina is seated, talking to two Etheralki.

"I wish. But I'm not in the mood to hear her go whine to the General, who will then shout at me. He should just keep his pet on a better leash." Nyx scoffs, making Ivan nod in agreement and Fedyor sigh hopelessly.

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