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SHE LETS OUT A BREATH AND drops her arms to her side. Standing in the middle of a battle field, men and women fight each other from both sides and nothing seemed to reach them. It was as if they were in their own little bubble, hidden from the outside world.

"Why can't you just let me go?" She asks weakly, her heart aching as she looks at him. His own eyes portray his sadness and longing.

"Because you're the only one who ever truly understood me." He says honestly and she scoffs, shaking her head. She looks down to hide the tears forming in her eyes.

"I did. But not anymore. You could have anyone and anything in the world. You could have had me." She breaths out, looking back up at him. She hated how he was looking at her right now, how he looked like he regretted everything he'd one, that he truly did love her. She didn't want him to look at her like that. She wanted him to hate her, for trying to take what was his. She wanted him to feel pain. "Don't look at me like that."

"Why?" He asks as he takes a step closer and she scoffs.

"Because you don't love me... you can't love me. You're supposed to be mad! You're supposed to want to destroy me." She shouts angrily, making him look at her with a pained look.

"I can't. I tried. Since our last encounter I've tried to be mad at you. For leaving, for taking what's mine. But I can't." He says honestly and she scoffs, shaking her head at him.

"Then why are you here? Is fighting a war your way of showing love?" She asks through clenched teeth.

"Do you really think I'm here to fight for Ravka? I'm here to fight for you." He says firmly and her breath gets caught at the back of her throat. She blinks away her tears.

"Stop. Stop trying to make me feel something for you." She says breathlessly and he shakes his head.

"I won't. Please, come home. I'm begging you. If it's the black Kefta you wanted, I'll give it to you." Aleksander says weakly and she looks at him in disbelief.

"It's not about the Kefta! Saints, Aleksander don't you realise that? It's about being your equal, about you looking at me the way you looked at Alina when she wore your colours. I just want you to love me more." She exclaims in frustration and he sighs.

"Then give me the chance to do it." He says, but she shakes her head in denial.

"It's too late. The damage is done." She says, making him take a step closer. "Don't come closer."

"Nyx, I beg of you. Please." He says, taking another step.

"Aleksander, don't come closer." She snaps, but he still doesn't listen and without thinking, she snaps her hands together. He gasps out and drops to the floor, as she slowly crushes his lungs. "You don't listen do you? I told you to not come closer. You always do what you want and you expect me to believe that you truly love me? I won't let you manipulate me, not ever again. I've been told to just run, but I won't run. I don't run away. I'm going to destroy, Aleksander. You'll come to regret ever meeting me."

"Nyx!" She looks up, but keeps her focus on Aleksander's organs. She feels tears burn her eyes once again.

"Fedyor." She breaths out. She had truly missed him and seeing him again, fighting against her, made her heart ache.

"Don't kill him." Fedyor says cautiously and she looks down at Aleksander, watching him cough out blood.

"Why not? He deserves to die." She says, making Fedyor move closer.

"Because you'll regret it. You want him to suffer, not die. He won't be able to witness you taking everything away, if you kill him now." He points out and she takes a deep breath, realising how right he was. Without hesitation, she lets go of her hold on Aleksander's lungs. With a sigh, she crouches down to be at eye level with him.

"Don't ever come looking for me, again. Next time we see each other, is when I crush your army." She says firmly, before standing back up. She glances at Fedyor and smiles weakly. She turns around and starts walking away, but Fedyor stops her.

"Let me come with you." He says, making her turn to look at him with wide eyes. She takes a deep breath and is about to refuse, but he speaks up first. "I want to fight by your side. Please."

"Okay. You can come." She accepts with a soft smile, making him smile back. Without glancing once at Aleksander, the two of them walk away. "Ivan will be really mad at you."

"I know. But you're my best friend, I can't let you fight this alone." He says, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and she smiles as they step down into the trenches.

"I'm not alone, Fedyor. But thank you. I'm glad you're here." She says honestly, making him beam happily.

"Then, let's make the General beg for your mercy." He says, making her smirk and glancing towards where the battle is still going full on.

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