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HAVING SLIPPED ON A BLACK hooded cape, Nyx made her way to the stables. She wanted to make sure her horse was well taken care of. She had yet to give it a name. But she would figure that out later on, when she had a moment for herself. For now, she'd check on the horse and make her way around Os Kervo to get some information of General Zlatan.

She steps into the stables and looks around for her horse. She spots Zoya's horse and stops in front of it, slowly raising her hand up to its muzzle, letting it get used to her, before running her fingers over its forehead.

"Are you looking for your horse?" A voice startles her and she turns around to see Adrian standing awkwardly on the side. He looks down with guilt as he realises he scared her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. Please lead me to it." Nyx says as she clears her throat and Adrian nods, before walking across to one of the large doors that separated him and the horse.

"Does it not have a name?" Adrian asks and she shakes her head, walking up to him before glancing in to see the black horse.

"How old are you?" She asks, making him shift nervously.

"I'm seventeen, madame." He says with a slight bow and she hums in response. She tilts her head slightly.

"Tell me. Do you wish to stay a stable boy, Adrian? Or do you have more ambitions?" Nyx asks as she turns around to lean back against the wood of the door.

"Ambition is for the rich, the Second Army, maybe even the First Army. Not for people like me." He says honestly and she chuckles softly.

"You're wrong. Ambition is for those who are brave enough to try." She says firmly, pulling up the hood of her cape, before pushing herself up straight and starting to make her way back out.

"Madame, are you... are you brave enough?" Adrian calls out, making her stop in her steps. She smirks as she looks down.

"You have no idea the magnitude of my bravery, kid." She says and continues walking. Nyx hears the sound of footsteps following her.

"Where are you headed, madame?" He asks and she shrugs in response. "I can help you find where you want to go."

"I don't need to go anywhere. I just need to see a few things." She says and he nods in understanding, keeping up with her fast paced steps.

"I can still help." He says and she glances at him from under her hood.

"First of all, stop calling me madame. Call me Nyx from now on." She says sternly and he nods his head in acceptance. "Second of all, as long as you don't get in my way, you can stick around."

"Thank you! It's an honour ma- I mean Nyx." Adrian says excitedly, making her shake her head with a soft smile. "We could start with the market. It's quite early in the morning so there'll be a lot of people, who go to there before work, if you don't mind."

"No, that's perfect. Lead the way." She nods for hims to go ahead as she pulls her hood lower. It wasn't because she was worried to be recognised by the Second Army or First Army, but because she didn't need people to be able to recognise her in the future.

"Are you from Ketterdam?" He asks, she shakes her head in response.

"No. I'm from Os Alta." She says honestly and he turns around to look at her in disbelief.

"You... you crossed the fold?" He asks, his eyes wide and his lips are parted slightly. She crosses her arms over her chest as she stops and he does the same, standing in front of her.

"Yes. I don't recommend it. You stay here in West Ravka. Away from the monsters." She says sternly and he frowns.

"You mean the Volcra?" He asks, causing her to scoff and shake her head.

"No. There is far worse on the other side of the Fold." She muses, before starting to walk again. He turns around and moves to walk next to her.

"Do you mean the Darkling?" He asks and she chuckles dryly.

"You're too smart for your own good, Adrian." She muses, before taking a letting out a deep breath. "Listen to me carefully. Don't trust anyone, even the people who have been by your side for a very long time. Usually they're the one that make the betrayal hurt."

"Have you been betrayed?" He wonders and she gives him a look, one that tells him that it wasn't a question she would answer.

"Enough questions for today. Lead the way to the market. There are more pressing issues than explaining to you the best way to survive." She waves him off and he smiles, before leading the way to where they're headed to.

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