01 - family

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I V Y sat in Wanda's room watching the sitcom Friends. It was a show that was new to the sisters as they didn't have the DVDs for it when they were kids.

Wanda glanced over at Ivy whose face was lit up with a smile as she watched the television that was placed in the corner of the room. Monica had just put a turkey on her head to apologize to Chandler. The sisters usually only ever smiled these days when they were watching a sitcom. Since Pietro died a few months ago, they hardly ever laughed and when they did, it was quickly replaced with a pang of guilt and grief for their late brother.

Finally, Ivy had grown tired of her sister staring at her. "Wanda why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer," she smiled cheekily, her light Sokovian accent peaking through as she spoke. Ivy's quick wit was pretty rare these days.

Wanda gave a small chuckle. "I just like seeing you smile. I feel like we don't do that much lately."

"I know. I just miss him." Ivy looked down at her hands as tears formed in her eyes, but she blinked them away quickly, "I can't cry again. It's too much crying."

"I know Ivy, I'm tired of it too." Wanda gave her sister a solemn look. "Let's make a pact to start being happy again, okay? It's what Pietro would want."

Ivy looked over at her wonderful sister with tears still in her bright emerald-coloured eyes but she smiled anyway. "Okay," Ivy nodded before turning back to the TV. She hated seeing Wanda worry—her and Pietro both did. Wanda was always the motherly figure of the three Maximoff siblings even though she's technically the youngest. Pietro being the oldest by 12 minutes while Ivy is only 6, making her the middle triplet.

Although they were triplets, the girls were certainly not identical. While Wanda had light auburn hair, Ivy's was a golden brown. The only thing that proved they were siblings was their matching bright green eyes. Pietro, however, was born with hair like Ivy's but dyed it an odd silver tone which his sisters would relentlessly tease him about. He argued that the colour contributed to the moniker his fans gave him that he so loved; Quicksilver.

The sisters watched and laughed for a little while longer before they both sensed that they were no longer alone.

"Again?" Ivy smiled at Wanda—a real one this time.

Wanda rolled her eyes slightly and ignored her sister, "Vision?" she called out.

Before Vision could float through the wall Ivy had already begun to stand up.  She knew that he held a special place in his big bionic heart for Wanda. And Ivy had to admit, she thought they would be quite cute together, both practical and smart, but in a way that would compliment each other.

"Ah! The Maximoff girls!" Vision said cheerily.

"Hi Vis," Ivy spoke first as she slid her favourite green hoodie over her head, "How are you today?"

"I'm quite well Ivy, thank you."

She laughed a little and threw a quick smirk at Wanda. "Well I better get going, I gotta go... uh... train."

Wanda gave Ivy a puzzled look as the girls had already trained for two hours this morning with Nat but didn't say anything else.

Ivy quickly walked out the door and into the large empty corridor. The Avengers Compound was the fanciest place she'd ever lived, it might be the fanciest place she'd ever seen. It was beautiful and although Tony Stark started out as her family's enemy, she had grown to love him like a father... or maybe more like a fun uncle.

Ivy decided to head to the kitchen, she hadn't eaten anything all day and was starving.

Usually one of Tony's assistants would cook the meals or the team would order takeout (which took the same amount of time and effort as cooking, since they could never agree on a restaurant to order from) but Wanda, Natasha and sometimes even Vision would cook for the team occasionally. Those nights were usually Ivy's favourite kind of nights. The group of heroes would all sit around the big dining room table to eat, talk and bond. Each of the Avengers had slowly crawled their way into Ivy's heart and had become her new family. 

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