20 - dream girl

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I V Y didn't go out much. In fact, she avoided leaving the compound altogether.

It wasn't just her obvious social anxiety that kept her away from the public. But also the fact that Tony, being the genius that he is, had thought of anything and everything the Avengers could possibly need. It's not like it was necessary for her to leave the compound—besides the fact that it would probably be good for her mental health if she got out more but... that's another issue.

This was in the back of Ivy's mind as she prepared for her date with Bucky. She was realizing that she hadn't actually been out of the house in years, besides missions and the safe house situation, of course.

She hadn't told anyone about her date—not even Wanda. Ivy didn't want to make a big fuss about it and she didn't know how Bucky felt about telling people. She didn't think he would welcome the attention it would cause and, to be honest, she wouldn't enjoy it either.

Ivy wore a midi-length flowy black wrap dress and casual small black heels. She didn't want to get too fancy since she wasn't even sure where Bucky was taking her.

It was eight o'clock on the dot when she heard a soft knock on her door.

She opened it to reveal Bucky on the other side wearing nicely tailored black trousers and a blue button down shirt that matched his eyes.

They smiled at each other. "Good evening, Mr. Barnes," Ivy teased, "you clean up nicely."

"You're not so bad yourself, Doll," Bucky's eyes raked over her figure, surprisingly not making her feel self-conscious with his gaze, "in fact, you look stunning."

"Thank you." Ivy blushed and grabbed her leather jacket from behind the door before stepping out of her room, "So where will you be taking me, Barnes?"

"You'll see," he replied, cryptically.

The two walked into the elevator, "To the main floor, FRIDAY," Ivy called to the A.I.

"No FRIDAY, take us to the roof!" Bucky yelled way too loud, he still didn't understand that he didn't need to scream at the tech in order to be heard.

Ivy laughed but then realized what he had said and furrowed her brow, "the roof?"

Bucky grinned in response and smoothly snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

Soon the doors to the elevator slid open to reveal the roof (which Ivy had never even seen before) covered in fairy lights, with blanket in the middle and a picnic set up.

Ivy's jaw dropped, "Bucky," she gasped, "you did all this?"

"Well, Steve and Sam helped," he shrugged as if the wonderful set-up before them was nothing.

Ivy spun around to face him and planted a searing kiss on his lips.

Bucky smiled as she pulled back, "aren't you supposed to kiss at the end of the first date?"

Ivy laughed again and shook her head, "I don't care. No one has ever done something as nice as this for me before."

"You deserve it, darlin'."

Bucky already knew Ivy didn't love going into the public and frankly, he hated it too. Everyone stared and their reactions were almost always the same; either awestruck or terrified. For Bucky and Ivy, going out meant unwanted attention either way.

Which was why he decided to plan the date at their home. Truthfully, he had been planning it in his head for quite a while.

The couple walked over to the blue gingham patterned blanket and sat down. Bucky pulled out two wine glasses from a large picnic basket and poured them each a glass of Ivy's favourite pinot noir from Tony's collection. How Bucky managed to swipe that, she'll never know.

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