16 - friends

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A F T E R Ivy left his room Bucky stayed in bed for a while. This was unusual for him as he had already slept in and he was so used to his routine of getting a restless sleep, then waking up at 5:00am to go train with Steve and Sam.

He was actually shocked that Steve hadn't checked in on him yet.

A realization hit him then; this was the first time his bed actually felt comfortable. The thick mattress and warm duvet usually felt far too comfortable for his liking and he often opted for sleeping on the floor instead.

And because he was alone with his thoughts (something he didn't often allow himself to do) he came to another startling realization; he missed Ivy. He knew it wasn't wise to get attached to her, he knew he shouldn't be missing her. But apparently his heart and brain weren't on the same page because here he was, lying in his newly comfortable bed that still held her scent and missing her like the idiot he was.

He adored the feeling of her lying next to him last night. Surprisingly, she made him feel safe. He loved watching her look so peaceful. She was truly the most gorgeous person he's ever laid eyes on and the fact that she chose to be friends with him? Well Bucky couldn't believe his luck—luck that he was sure he didn't deserve.

Bucky was nearly ready to drift back to sleep when Sam burst into his room.

"Get up sleepy-head! It's almost 9am!" Sam charged across the room, "if you don't get up in ten seconds I will hop into this bed with you and cuddle."

Bucky looked up in horror, Sam seemed almost serious and he didn't want to risk it in case he actually was.

The ex-soldier sat up quickly, "Sounds like a good way to get your arm ripped off, Sam," Bucky warned.

"Ooh then we'd be twins!" Sam clapped his hands together as if he was giddy about that idea.

Bucky rolled his eyes, "what do you want?"

"Jeez okay, remind me to never barge into your room again." Sam chuckled and Bucky continued to stare blankly at him, "Alright, alright, I came to get you to go on a run with Steve and I since you missed training this morning. I'm sure you have an amazing excuse for that one," Sam wiggled his eyebrows. Did he know Ivy slept here last night?

Bucky ignored his insinuation, "Fine. I'll be down in 10."

With that, Sam finally left his room.

~ ~ ~ ~

"I... will never... go running... with you two ever again." Sam panted, "It seriously destroys my self-esteem."

"You say that every time," Steve pointed out.

"Well you guys do motivate me so I guess you're useful for one thing," Sam shrugged. He'd been sitting against a large oak tree claiming to be "just resting his legs" while Steve and Bucky did a few more laps around the large pond that was situated in the middle of the park where they had been running for the past hour. So basically Sam had been resting here for approximately forty-five seconds. 

"Yeah but you know you'll never catch up to us so isn't that kind of discouraging?" Bucky teased.

"You know what, Furiosa, don't make me hug you," Sam scowled.

"Jokes on you, I've seen that movie. She's a badass." Bucky replied smugly, shocking both Sam and Steve.

"When the heck did you watch that movie?" asked Steve.

"Nat recommended it to me, she said I would relate to Furiosa," Bucky shrugged, "pretty sure she was teasing but I watched it anyway. Turns out the metal arm thing isn't as original as I thought. Although I do think mine is a bit more practical," Bucky's lips turn up into a grin as the guys laugh. He doesn't joke much anymore but he genuinely enjoyed his time with Steve and his new friend Sam. Although Bucky would never admit to Sam that he considered him a friend. He would never live that down.

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