14 - lovely

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I V Y hated going to Tony's parties.

Although they were meant to be fun and a way for the team to blow off steam (as well as impress investors for Stark Industries), Ivy found them exhaustingly tedious.

She always felt out of place and often ended up in the corner of the room people-watching, which was entertaining in its own sense.

The people who attended these galas were such an odd mix. They ranged from superheroes to billionaires, robots to witches, gods to assholes.

Everyone always got way too drunk—Steve and Thor included as the latter always brought Asgardian liquor which was insanely strong.

The concept of the party made Ivy want to puke or run away out of nerves and dread. However, she weirdly looked forward to the moment when all her schmoozing duties were over and she could finally sit in the corner with an insanely expensive bottle of wine, courtesy of Tony Stark.

Wanda always told her that she disliked the events as much as Ivy did, but Ivy could see right through her sister's façade.

Wanda liked dressing up and seeing how the rich live. But this time, she had Vision as a date and that made her all the more excited.

Ivy always felt like everyone at the party was judging her. The watchful eyes of the public were constantly on her but at parties, she was willingly putting herself on full display.

Some people were skeptical of her position as an Avenger, as she came from Hydra and had powers of unspeakable potential and many were scared of her.

She tried to push those thoughts of anxiety to the side as she got ready in Natasha's room.

The three women Avengers went shopping a few days ago, with Tony's credit card which Nat had somehow got off of him. Whether she achieved that in an ethical manner or not was unknown to Ivy. She had learned it was best to not question Nat's sneaky abilities.

"Ivy, you look beautiful! Stop stressing!" Nat called from her vanity where she was doing her makeup, as if she could get any more gorgeous.

"Thanks, Nat," Ivy responded, although her friends comment did little to calm her nerves. She was sitting on Nat's bed and staring off into space. Ivy wore a simple sage green strapless gown that hugged her figure and had a long slit going up to her thigh. She wore strappy gold heels and jewelry to match, including her signature rings—which she was playing with relentlessly.

Wanda came out of the bathroom while putting her dangly silver earrings on, "Seriously, honey, I don't know why you worry so much about these things, they're supposed to be fun," her sister smiled.

Wanda rarely went two minutes without smiling these days, her happiness made Ivy feel as though she was so behind. Ivy was ecstatic for her sister but wasn't she supposed to be happy again too? If Wanda was, why wasn't she?

"Oh! Don't we clean up nice?" Nat exclaims as she looks at her reflection in the full-length mirror in the corner of her large room.

Nat wore a black pantsuit, which inspired Ivy to make a mental note to wear something like that to the next party. Pants looked so much more appealing. The suit had black dress pants that were tight enough to show off Nat's perfect curves, the top was a corset style featuring black lace and spaghetti straps.

Wanda's heels clicked as she padded over to stand beside the fiery redhead, "we really do, don't we?"

Wanda chose a crimson-coloured lace dress. It had ruffles layering the skirt while the bodice had intricate beading covering the v-neckline. The dress tied in the back to make it a perfect fit. The bright red complimented her light-auburn locks perfectly.

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