13 - happy

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" S O O O... how was your little getaway?" Wanda stood up from Ivy's bed where she was sitting to hug her sister.

"I wouldn't call it a getaway," Ivy rolled her eyes and pulled Wanda into a tight hug, "I did catch up on a lot of reading, though. Wands, you have to read Harry Potter, I got so hooked!" Ivy exclaimed, excitedly.

"Isn't that a kids book?"

"Umm no! It is meant for all ages, you would love it. They're kind of like us, y'know witchy abilities and shit, Luna totally reminds me of you and Nat is such a Hermione!" Ivy smiled, she hadn't realized just how much she missed her sister.

"Well in other news," Wanda blinked a few times and changed the subject, "I taught Vision how to make paprikash while you were away."

Ivy's eyes widened in delight, "really? I love paprikash!" Paprikash had always been one of her favourites, she had fond memories of making it with her mother in Sokovia. Damn, that felt like a lifetime ago.

"Yes well, it took him a bit to understand it and since he can't actually eat anything I'm not really sure why he was so eager to learn but we're making it for dinner tonight to welcome you back," Wanda smiled.

"Oh honey, you can't expect me to believe that you don't know the real reason as to why he wanted to learn how to cook your favourite dish with you?"

Wanda looked down at her fuzzy red socks in an attempt to hide her smile but Ivy saw right through it, "I don't know what you're talking about," Wanda responded without looking up from the floor.

"Mmhmm, okay," Ivy gave her an arch look. It made her incredibly happy to watch her sister fall in love, Wanda deserved all the joy in the world.

"Well what about you? Have you fallen in love with Barnes yet?" Wanda poked her in the collarbone, Wanda couldn't read her sister's mind, for whatever reason it was guarded with her powers, but she could read Bucky's and she could tell there was something there, he just hadn't fully figured it out yet and, she suspected, neither had Ivy.

Ivy scoffs a little too loudly, "Bucky? Bucky Barnes? Yeah right, I barely talked to him the entire month."

Wanda gave a short, "hmmph," and threw her a knowing look, an expression Ivy was very familiar with, "Wanda," Ivy's eyes narrowed suspiciously, "do you know something I don't?"

Wanda didn't tell Ivy all the secrets she knew, if she did she would simply never stop talking to her. She only told her the important stuff and usually the gossip that didn't involve Ivy directly. Wanda had always thought it was better for people to figure things out on their own. For the most part, it made life more exciting and unpredictable.

Wanda shrugged in response, "Oh Ivy, I guess you'll never know. A witch never reveals people's secrets!" she winked.

"Wanda Maximoff! That is so unfair! And untrue... you reveal secrets to me all the time!"

"Snitches end up in ditches, babe," Wanda chuckled, "Vis always says that, I honestly have no idea where he came up with that one."

The sisters got caught up on each other's lives for a little while longer until Vision floated in and asked Wanda and Ivy to help him with dinner.

Ivy observed from one of the stools around the kitchen island as Wanda showed Vision what to do. Wanda's entire soul seemed to glow around him and Ivy could tell that although Vision was confused about his emotions, being that he's never experienced them before, he was head over heels for her sister.

Eventually, Wanda went to go to the washroom and left Ivy and Vis in the kitchen. Ivy took over Wanda's post so Vision wouldn't make any mistakes.

"Thank you," Ivy looked up at the tall purple man with a sincere smile.

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