10 - stay

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T H E next week at the safe house was uneventful. Bucky and Ivy got into their own routines. Ivy usually woke up at 9am and made breakfast for the two of them. Bucky was often already awake but he always waited for Ivy to eat, he loved her breakfast. She always made pancakes or waffles or french toast with a different kind of fruit on top each day.

Bucky had also picked up gardening as a hobby, which Ivy found sort of random but also very endearing. It seemed to keep him busy. She got really into 'Harry Potter' and was now about half way through the second book.

She also got in the habit of going for a walk everyday, although it was hard to not get lost in the thick woods they were in—Ivy learned that the hard way.

Once, she went too far and ended up having to use her powers to float high above the trees, and risk being seen, to find the house. Tony would not have liked that too much.

Ivy usually found an open space to practice her powers for a while. Tony wanted her to learn more about her abilities when she got back but she was too anxious to wait. She needed to be confident that she wouldn't hurt anyone accidentally again, she needed to learn how to control her powers.

She tried her best to not blast the trees—she did that once and a massive pine tree came crashing down.

Luckily, Bucky didn't seem to hear since he didn't say anything when she got back so that must solve the whole 'if a tree falls in the forest and no one's around' debate.

(Bucky did hear it but he's learned that it's best to not question Ivy. And since their acquaintanceship is still on thin ice he thought it best to just ignore it.)

However, Bucky and Ivy barely spoke at all. He thanked her for breakfast every morning and Ivy thanked him for dinner every night, but they rarely spoke during the day.

The only time they talked was when Ivy woke Bucky from his nightmares. They had gotten back to the routine they were in at the compound. She would wake him at 12:45am before his nightmare and then go back to her room to sleep.

Today marked the eighth day Bucky and Ivy had been at the house. They hadn't heard from anybody from the outside world and they still hadn't discussed their issues.

After dinner that night, Ivy cleaned the kitchen and then went up to her room as usual. She started reading The Chamber of Secrets where she left off at Chapter 18.

She read a few chapters until she heard screaming. Which was odd. Bucky never has a nightmare this early.

She padded down the narrow hallway to his room and opened the door. Ivy found him squirming on his bed and saying, "No, please! Not again! No!"

Ivy couldn't stand to sit there and wait for him to wake up on his own like her research had told her to do. It felt like she was just letting him suffer.

She was scared of what he might do, though. Last time Ivy woke him up like this it didn't go so well for her.

She decided to get over top of him like he did to her last week. Now straddling him, she used her powers and ended up making these glowing purple handcuff things to tie his arms down.

"Bucky!," Ivy placed her hands on the sides of his face, "Buck! Wake up! You're safe," she repeated these words a few times until his eyes flew open. Ivy jumped back slightly worrying that he might be the Soldier again but his eyes were full of fear.

He was sweating and hyperventilating, she let the cuffs on his hands go and he sprang up to a sitting position with Ivy still on top of him.

She was shocked when instead of pushing her off his bed, he pulled her into a hug.

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