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" S O Phil... how's the wife and kids?" Ivy asked her old friend. Not many people knew much about Agent Coulson's private life but with Wanda's mind reading abilities, the Maximoff girls quickly figured out his entire life story when he helped them settle into their new rooms at the compound. Occasionally, Wanda would freak him out with facts about himself that no one else could possibly know.

"Ivy," he groaned, "you know I don't like to talk about family while on the job."

"Oh c'mon Phillip! Don't worry Bucky won't tell anyone," She urged. "Besides, Barnes isn't even allowed to leave the compound and it's not like your family makes for super scandalous gossip—no offense."

Coulson's protectiveness over his family was quite honourable. Ivy was the same way with her own family. Or at least she used to be... now she only has Wanda to protect. What a maudlin thought.

"I suppose you're right," he starts, "well Sophie, my eldest, just graduated high school and Henry is in the tenth grade now."

"Wow! They're getting so old!" Ivy tilted her head towards the agent, "and how's the uh... what was she? A pianist?"

"A cellist," Coulson corrected, "and she's doing very well, thank you."

They were in a large black SUV. Coulson was driving while Ivy sat shotgun. Bucky sat in the back gazing out the window with his signature vacant stare.

After Phil knocked on the door they were informed to pack their things because they were officially headed back to the compound. The team must've found a way to cover up the scandal Ivy created and eliminate the threat on Bucky's life.

In a weird way, she was going to miss the simple life in their little cottage. Although living with Bucky was tough and sometimes lonely since he was so quiet, she felt like they were just starting to get along.

Ivy and Bucky hadn't spoken since the awkward moment they had in the kitchen before Coulson's ill-timed arrival. She didn't particularly want to think too deeply about it and, thankfully, neither did Bucky, apparently.

She didn't even know how it happened, he just looked so stressed and she felt the unbearable urge to comfort him. But when she looked into his eyes... she felt hypnotized, vulnerable. Like she couldn't move away from him even if she wanted to. Ivy had felt a visceral longing to stay lost in those deep pools of blue. She felt utterly powerless.

The ride back to the compound was long, so Ivy caught up on life with Coulson. She led the conversation by asking Phil lots questions because she knew that, if given the chance, he would want to ask about Pietro and Ivy really did not feel like crying today.

Bucky stayed silent the entire ride. He kept staring out the window with his chin in the palm of his right hand. He must've fallen asleep at some point because when Ivy looked back at him, his eyes were closed. He looked incredibly peaceful for someone whose mind was often full of so much turmoil.

When they finally arrived back at the compound they were greeted by Natasha and Sam.

"Thanks for the ride, Phil!" Ivy hugged the agent goodbye before grabbing her bags from the trunk and running to meet her friends with Bucky close behind.

"Nat! Birdbrain!" She called to them before pulling the both of them into a tight hug, "I missed you guys!"

"Well, well if it isn't Sabrina the Witch and Mr. Robot!" Sam chuckles, "I hope y'all had fun... just not too much," he winked.

Ivy rolled her eyes, "Fun? With this guy?" she pointed her thumb at Bucky who was standing beside her awkwardly, "I don't think the word 'fun' is in this man's vocabulary," she laughed and nudged Bucky with her elbow. He grunted in response.

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