15 - powerful

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S U R P R I S I N G L Y, Ivy woke up first the next morning.

At first she had a hard time remembering where she was. Then she realized that her pillow wasn't soft and she couldn't move.

Ivy looked up to see Bucky sleeping peacefully with his hair a mess and his lips parted slightly. What she originally thought was a pillow was actually his muscular chest and she couldn't move because Bucky's arms were wrapped around her tightly, as if he was afraid she'd slip away.

Ivy smiled to herself, she was happy—peaceful, even. She wished she could hold onto this feeling forever but alas, the world outside awaited.

She attempted to wriggle free but Bucky only tightened his grip.

Ivy huffed, "I know you're awake, Buck."

Bucky didn't respond but Ivy could tell he was holding back a smile.

"Buckyyyyyyy," Ivy groaned and poked his face, "we gotta get up, I wasn't supposed to sleep over and why are we cuddling?" She asked even though she loved it, she never wanted to leave his arms. They were so strong and safe, she felt more protected in his embrace than she would wearing any kind of armour.

Her last question finally earned a reaction from him, "Again, Doll, you rolled over right into my arms just like last time." Bucky lips turned up into a cheeky grin, eyes still closed and knowing full well he initiated the cuddles.

"Nice try, Barnes. C'mon let me go."

Bucky opened his eyes and looked down at the woman smiling at him, her green eyes looked more vibrant than ever in the morning sunshine. His breath hitched, he wanted to kiss her. God, he wanted to kiss her so damn badly.

Instead, he unraveled his arms from around her and, much to his displeasure, Ivy got up.

"I'll see you later, Buck!" She flashed him a soft smile and reluctantly left Bucky in his dark room that somehow seemed so much brighter when she was in it.

Ivy tip-toed out the door as quietly as she could. A quick look at her phone told her that it was just past 8am so she knew that most of the compound was awake already.

She slowly shut the door, turned around and walked right into Sam Wilson's solid chest.


"Shame, shame, I know your name!" Sam sang. He wore an annoyingly wide smirk and was wagging his index finger at her accusingly.

Ivy rushed to place her hand over Sam's mouth to shut him up. "You saw nothing, Buckbeak, nothing," she warned, taking her hand away from his face before he did something juvenile. Like lick her palm—disgusting, but she wouldn't put it past Sam to be gross.

"Thank god you finally read Harry Potter." Sam laughed, "So what's going on with you and C-3PO in there? I knew we couldn't stick y'all in a tiny cabin for a month and expect nothing to happen."

"Nothing is happening Sam," Ivy began moving down the hall towards the kitchen and Sam promptly followed. Obviously, he was not done with this little interrogation.

"Oh really? Hmm, sure doesn't seem like that to me," Sam insinuated with a high-pitched tone and a raised brow.

Ivy sighed. She knew she wasn't getting rid of him unless she told him the reason why she'd been in Bucky's room. Which, to be honest, was actually pretty innocent. "We fell asleep watching The Office, okay? That's it."

Sam crossed his arms and stopped walking, "Ivy that's literally the most romantic thing I've ever heard."

"Shut up, Sam, it is not. In case you haven't noticed, the man is kind of dealing with his own issues right now. Y'know the whole 'being held hostage by a Nazi organization for 70 years' and all." Ivy shoved his shoulder, "not to mention that I, too, am damaged and emotionally unavailable."

Powerless | b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now