11 - lost

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T H E Y had been in the safe house for three weeks now. Ivy was beginning to wonder how long they were supposed to be locked away for, Tony said it was for 'damage control' but he failed to mention that damage control meant keeping them in a glorified jail for a month.

Okay well, the house wasn't a jail, per-say. But it wasn't exactly what Ivy would consider pleasant either.

Bucky and Ivy's relationship had gotten a bit better since arriving at the house but it wasn't as if they had suddenly became the best of friends. They never spoke about anything important but they had discovered a confusing, playful banter between them at times.

However, here was always a massive elephant in the room. Ivy desperately wanted to know why he pushed her that unfortunate day three weeks ago. But every time she started to bring it up, Barnes would simply get up and walk away.

It was the 22nd day of their quarantine in their cute little cottage in the forest, and Ivy was finally making Bucky his pie. He had been nagging her about it since she first mentioned it but making a pie is a lot of work and she was so caught up with 'Harry Potter' the last couple weeks.

Ivy had lots of time to read these days, especially when she was waiting to wake up Bucky from his nightmares. At home, Ivy watched TV to pass the time but here? She reads.

It was actually quite lovely, she thought. She was beginning to think that she may actually like books over watching TV... sometimes. What a scary thought.

Alas, all good things must come to an end eventually because Ivy finished the seventh book yesterday. She could hardly wait to watch the movies when they get home—if they ever got home, that is.

Now, she was reading 'The Hobbit.' The book was massive, Ivy's is almost certain she'll never get through it. It's not often something is able to hold her attention for a long period of time. 

After breakfast that morning, Bucky went outside to work on his garden so Ivy secretly started the pie. She figured it would be best to surprise him.

She had prepped for it last night while Bucky was asleep. Again, they surprisingly had all the ingredients for a pie. Honestly, whoever made this grocery list must have predicted the future or something... or they're magic... or there's cameras hidden somewhere. 

Ivy pondered this idea, she certainly wouldn't put it past Stark to keep an eye on them but seriously, that was a bit overkill. 

Ivy took the dough out of the fridge and started to roll it out. After that, she started on the filling. Baking has always been fun for Ivy because she basically stands in one spot and moves the ingredients and objects she needs with her powers. She treated it like a challenge to see how many things she could direct at once.

Ivy learned to control some of her powers through the art of baking when she first moved in with the Avengers—it used to be so hard to not make a mess while doing it. Steve always crossed his arms and stood in that paternal stance of his before telling her and Wanda to stop messing around and clean the darn kitchen before Stark got home. 

Ivy felt a pang of homesickness in the pit of her stomach. She missed her family.  

Finally, she put her beautiful rhubarb pie in the oven and began to clean up the kitchen, which looked like an explosion hit it. She laughed to herself and again thought of Steve and Wanda. 

Ivy was about half way through cleaning and was moving a dirty spatula, a butter knife and a fairly large bowl to the sink with her powers when she heard footsteps come through the door and quickly turned around to see Bucky standing with freshly picked white daisies in his left hand. 

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