03 - trouble

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I V Y controlled the policeman, whose name they discovered was Officer Green, to drive the large SUV while the two super soldiers and the witch all piled in the back. The ride was fairly quiet as they drove to the airport where the QuinJet was waiting to take them home.

Ivy started to think that this was a fairly easy mission, all things considered, but then she heard the sirens, and lots of them.

"Shit!" she yelled, "They found us!" Steve gave her a glare at her use of a swear word but the look quickly disappeared into one of worry, they had to get out of here.

"Green! Step on it!" Ivy directed the officer, who did what he was told.

This only worked for a few seconds because before they knew it, there were sirens coming from every direction.

"Stop the car!" Ivy yelled at Officer Green. He obeyed and she said a quick, "Thank you!" to him (even though he didn't have a choice) before jumping out of the vehicle and making a run for it with the two soldiers.

Ivy quickly realized that she would definitely not be able to keep up with the two super soldiers on foot.

She used her powers to levitate herself and then activated her mind control abilities to try to stop every police car that was coming their way—which was easier said than done.

Having this birds-eye view is quite handy, Ivy thought, she can see why Sam enjoys it so much.

On the ground, Steve had his shield out, he was throwing it like a Frisbee and knocking out anyone in his path.

Bucky on the other hand, was punching his way through the army of law enforcement. The officers were no match for his vibranium arm by themselves but the sheer number of them was growing rapidly and Bucky would be overpowered soon.

In the distance, Ivy saw someone coming their way on a motorcycle. Perfect, she thought.

Ivy floated down and managed to fight off a few officers that were in her way. Punching one and knocking them out while kicking the other in the stomach then pushing them hard against the median on the road. The last one she blasted with the bright purple fire-like power that came from her hands through to the other side of the massive freeway.

Her eyes were now a bright violet as she used her powers. She ran up to the guy with the motorcycle, who was coming straight towards her. She pushed him off while jumping and landing on the vehicle, surprising herself that she was able to do such a stunt.

Ivy immediately raced to Bucky who looked as though he was almost defeated.

"Barnes!" She called to him, "Jump on!"

In one swift motion, Bucky jumped on to the motorcycle, as if he had done this a million times before.

Ivy drove faster than she had ever driven before and Bucky held on tight. The stark contrast from his cool metal arm compared to his warm real one wrapped around her stomach felt oddly comfortable and made her feel safe, even though she felt like she was going a million miles an hour.

Bucky felt odd in this situation. He hadn't been this close to another human in decades and the contact was energizing him. He felt out of his comfort zone slightly, but in the best possible way.

Across the large multi-lane road Ivy caught a flash of red and blue, Steve, she remembered. She made a u-turn, which probably wasn't her greatest idea because behind them was a row of police vehicles, Ivy and Bucky's eyes widened and Ivy turned around again. As if they appeared out of nowhere another row of police vehicles were on this side too.

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