22 - i love you

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B U C K Y Barnes always trusted his instincts. He's lived long enough to know that they were usually right and someone with his track record knew when a situation sounded sketchy.

Therefore, he knew that Ivy going for this interview was a bad idea. He didn't exactly know why or how but he knew in his gut that this Darren Jenson character wasn't to be trusted.

And now...

Well, now he was kicking himself.

Because it had been three hours since Ivy left his side to join Darren in a private conference room which had been dedicated to these so-called interviews, and two hours since the Avengers noticed Ivy's mysterious disappearance from the compound altogether.

Bucky was officially losing it. His hair was now mussed and tangled from running his hands through it so many times. His eyes held a look of perpetual worry and he was already exhausted from the fear of what could have happened to her. Although it had only been a couple hours with Ivy missing, his reliable instincts told him without a shadow of a doubt that she was in trouble.

"I can't track her phone." Natasha informed the group. They were huddled in a room with an insane amount of fancy high-tech computers and other electronics, all of which Bucky did not know how to operate.

"Apparently she's turned off her watch as well. All the cameras have lost their data and FRIDAY has no recollection of her leaving the building." Tony replied, grimly. Bucky didn't think he'd ever seen Stark look so serious. "I feel awful. How could I have trusted this Jenson guy? It's all my fault."

"Tony we can't dwell on that right now. You had no way of knowing that Jenson had ulterior motives." Sam reassured as he looked up from the wall he was slouched on.

"Well we can't just stand here and do nothing!" Steve said. He crossed the room with his large, commanding stride and folded his strong arms on his chest. "Did Ivy have any enemies?"

Wanda looked up from her corner of the room. Vision had his arm around her and he was stroking her back comfortingly, her face was red and puffy with tears.

"Yes." She sniffled. "We have always had reason to believe that Hydra wanted us back." Wanda's head fell onto Vision's shoulder as a new round of tears filled her eyes.

"That's true. But if it is Hydra, how were they able to capture her in the first place? Nothing would be able to counteract her powers... at least not to my knowledge." Bruce countered as he observed Ivy's chart on the transparent screen projected in front of him.

The team went silent. They had no leads.

Bucky fumed. "Why are we asking how they did this?! That doesn't matter right now. We need to find out where she is and we'll worry about the rest later."

The team looked at him in collective shock, they had never heard Bucky yell before.

"Don't worry, Buck." Steve placed a comforting palm on his shoulder and shook him lightly. "We'll find her."

Steve gave him a nod full of certainty and reassurance but Bucky returned it with a look of disbelief. He's experienced so much disappointment in his life that now he only ever assumed the worst.

"Bucky, we're the Avengers. If we can't find her, no one can." Sam added.

Although he appreciated his friends sentiments, they did little to calm his nerves. Bucky bit his lip and looked at the floor while fighting back tears.

"Uhh... Mr. Stark..." Peter called apprehensively from his spot at a computer.

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, he honestly didn't think the spiderling would contribute anything helpful. "What is it, kid?"

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