18 - familiar

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A/N: underlined words = in Russian ;)

" G R E A T Ives! Let's go again," Bruce called from behind the two-way mirror.

"Bruce we've been over this, you don't need to yell. I can hear you even if you whisper," Ivy replied while trying to catch her breath.

She could hear Tony chuckle from beside Bruce.

They had been playing with Ivy's newfound shape-shifting abilities all morning. She felt like she was in Transfiguration class and Bruce was Professor McGonagall—only it wasn't an object she was transfiguring, it was herself.

Yeah... Harry Potter is way too much of an obsession, Ivy thought as she attempted to shift again.

So far she'd been able to shift herself into other people. She was able to do Wanda, whom Bruce said would be the easiest because he thought the girls might have triplet telepathy or something.

The only thing is, shape-shifting felt the same as using her invisibility so it was often difficult to decipher the two.

The goal was to be able to see a random person and immediately be able to shape-shift into them. Tony figured that would probably be the most useful when on a mission.

"I think that should be all for today," Bruce whispered, it was already 12 o'clock.

"Yo, Angry Pickle, she can't really hear the whispers," Tony whispered back to the scientist.

"I beg to differ, Stark," Ivy raised a brow from the practice room.

"Well shit," said Tony wide-eyed as she walked through the door to meet the Science-Bros in the lab.

"Same time tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am!" replied Tony as Bruce nodded.

With that, Ivy headed out the door.

In the last couple weeks they had only just discovered that Ivy could shape-shift. They tried working with intangibility but quickly realized that no, Ivy cannot float through walls like Vision. Thanks to that little experiment, they now have endless videos of Ivy slamming head-first into a wall. Yeah, that was a fun day for Ivy, and even more of a fun day for Tony who would not stop laughing.

The little team still wanted to play with the possibility of super-strength or power absorption.

While Ivy enjoyed discovering her new abilities, it was quite exhausting. It did take her mind off things, especially when her thoughts drifted to those of a certain incredibly handsome metal-armed super-soldier.

These days Ivy spent most of her time hanging out with her sister and Steve.

She felt as though her life was incredibly mundane. She didn't have much to look forward to besides her training sessions each morning. She was bored and in desperate need of a change of pace.

She hadn't spoken to Bucky in ages. Since their fight he barely even looked at her. He didn't even seem mad. In fact, Ivy noticed that he often looked more guilt ridden than angry. There was a certain sadness in his eyes that she couldn't quite place.

She tried to push all thoughts of Bucky away. She kept her feelings for him locked in a little box in the far corner of her mind. But no matter what she did, the crushing sense of longing never seemed to go away. He was her friend (even though Ivy wanted more), and she missed him and she couldn't understand why her past made him so upset.

~ ~ ~ ~

The Soldier felt cold, too cold.

It was like he hadn't felt the warmth of the sun on his skin in years—probably because he hadn't.

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