21 - brunch

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B U C K Y and Ivy decided not to tell anyone about their new situation since neither particularly enjoyed attention and they thought it would be nice to keep things to themselves for awhile.

All was going well until about two weeks after their first date when the team decided to have Sunday brunch together.

The kitchen island was covered in all the breakfast food one could possibly imagine. Waffles, eggs, bacon, you name it and it was there.

The Avengers sat around the large table chatting and laughing but as usual, Bucky remained quiet. He ate in silence while listening to the conversations around him and smiling whenever someone told a joke.

His eyes wandered over to Ivy across the table. She was currently conspiring with Peter, one of their latest recruits, on how to convince Tony to let him bring his class to the compound on a school trip.

Which, honestly, sounded like Bucky's nightmare. He could barely handle one highly curious teenager hanging around but a whole class? Hell fucking no.

He let his mind go back to Ivy. Being with her was like a breath of fresh air. She was so easy to talk to, she never judged him and she was clearly way out of his league. He often wondered what the hell she was doing with him.

She was sexy too. God, she was too hot for her own good. If they ever went into the city together he'd have to give every man that walked by a death stare. And possibly a good flex from the trusty old metal arm.

They hadn't had the boyfriend/girlfriend talk yet (he was planning to get on that very soon, though) but he knew she was his and he was hers and that made him feel like the luckiest man on the planet.

As he stared at her from across the table he thought back to this morning when he watched her get dressed. It took everything in him not to stop her and rip all her clothes off again.

To have her completely bare beneath him as she gasped, shivered and moaned. Until all she could do was scream his name in pleas–

Bucky's erotic thoughts were interrupted by Wanda choking on a piece of watermelon two seats a way.

Everyone's gaze swivelled towards her. "Excuse me." she said with her hand covering her mouth with a napkin as she hastily got up from the table.

The group seemed to think nothing of it and they all went back to eating but then Bucky remembered something...

Wanda can read minds.

Wanda. Can. Read. Minds.

Shit, shit, shit.

Not only had he just given himself and Ivy away, he just embarrassed himself in front of Ivy's sister.

Bucky immediately got up without a word, his chair scraping on the tiled floor. Ivy met his eyes for a second to which he answered with a curt nod and prayed his face didn't give away his panic.

He had to go find Wanda and clear this up. Where could she be? Her room? Where the hell was her room?

He turned the corner to go down one of the residence hallways but before he could take one step he felt a small hand grab at his arm and pull him into a room.

"What the fuck?" was Bucky's first response before recognizing the girl in front of him as Wanda.

"What the fuck is right, Barnes!"

"Okay, look, I can explain." Bucky started, putting his hands up in surrender. He would never admit it but the fiery redheaded Maximoff sister slightly terrified him.

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