Chapter 3-Little Girl

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"Can't a girl eat in peace?""Normally?Yeah.You?No."I scoffed."Great.What do you want?"He sighed."Respect.And gratitude as I decided that you are,indeed,useful."

I stood up."No.Because I don't respect people who does not respect me.""If you were a man,I would agree with you.But you are not.I'm in charge of this ship from now on."

Right when I opened my mouth,he cut me off."Whether you would like to accept that facr or deny it."I got even more mad!

"You barely know this ship!You call yourself a captain but I don't believe that you actually did andthing like I did today.Ever."

"You might know my name,Nox,but you don't know me.Get that in your dumb girl brain.You are only alive because I decided to show mercy."

"No,thank you.I would much rather live without that piece of information,Calder.""You are not allowed to call me anything other than 'captain',little girl."

"How old are you?Because for me to be little,you should be like 50 or 60.So,again,how old are you to call me a little girl,Calder?"I rolled my eyes."I'm going downstairs."

I shoved my plate in his hand before tugging onto the rope and jumping down.I joined the conversations they were having.

I was starting to like them.Although,they were partially involved in my parents' death,they weren't the one who killed them.That was Calder.

"So,Nox?What was your job in your last crea before we killed them like the peasents they were?!"They laughed it off.

As painful as it were,I pushed my feelings,heartbreak and pain aside."I pitched in and tried to help wherever I could."

"But what was your main responsiblity?!"I sighed."I was responsible of the deals,contracts,documents and basically the entire crew."

"Deals,documents and contracts?!So you're smart smart?"I nodded."I guess you could say that."They raised their glasses."To the new smart ass!"I raised mine."To the new smart ass!"

Willow came as we were talking,laughing and mainly singing."I washed my plate."I nodded."Alright.Come on,then."We went down to the stock where the crew slept.

I got us to a shallow corner.I threw a saw of cotton so Willow and I could be more comfortable."I saw you with him at the watch.Since we are both alive,he's not killing us?"

I shook my head."No,Willow.He is not killing us."I wish he did.He took my parents away from me.The only reason I'm trying to stay alive is that I'm afraid what would happen to Willow.

Days turned into a week and weeks turned into a month.We stole food and necessities from the ground people along the way.Heisting with them was fun.We got a good dynamic going on.

Well,except with Calder.He is a major pain in the ass.He pisses me off more than I piss him off.We barely stay calm around each other.It's too easy to piss him off,unlike me.

So,he pisses me off and one day I will explode on him so fucking bad,he will wish he was dead instead of my parents!

His temper is shorter than mine!Whatever I do,even if it's a basic chore,it pisses him off.He said he'd kill me at three and so far,it's been past three.

Though,the rest of the crew is lovely.Guys are really looking out for me.Especially Hook and Jefferson.This Silas guy is a bit of a pervert,to be honest.

I was sitting upstairs at the watch with Hook."For the love of waves!It's the England Navy!"I got up right away and saw the navy ship coming our way.I jumped down immediately.

Calder came down at the same time as I did.The navy soldiers had made their way onto the ship and the entire crew surrounded them."Is there any Naida,Nen,Nox or Willow here?!"

I raised my hand."Nox!"Guys made the way so I could get through."What is it this time?"I snatched the letter out of his hand."Willow!"He came out from wherever he was.

"Is it from Nathan?!"He was so excited!"Navy has no business in my ship!"I turned to Calder."This is not your ship!This is my ship!"I turned back to Willow.

"This is from Nathan.Who else would it be,Willow?"I opened the letter to confirm with our assumption.It was a wedding invitation from Nathan.He never learns.

"We also have direct order to bring you,Miss,and these names with us back to the land."I nodded.

"You see,that is not possible!I can come.So can Willow.But this guy over here killed Naida and Nen.""Nox,as your captain,I order you to stay on this ship!"

"You are not my captain!You never were andyou never will be!You get that in your head,asshole!""Miss,please,make your way to our ship."I nodded."Why not?"

Willow and I started walking away when Calder pulled me and Hook pulled Willow behind their back."No one from my crew is going anywhere!Especially no where near your ship!"

I tried to get back out there but Calder didn't let me with his giant body!Ugh!But when that soldier stepped owards us to get me,Calder pulled out his sword.

With him pulling his sword out,soldiers pulled out theirs.With them pulling out their swords,the crew pulled out their swords too.I had to step in.

"KNOCK IT OFF!"I got in between."They are navy!Our entire existance is a felony!Do any of you see my point?!Especially you!"I yelled at Calder."No?"

"How do you even know they aren't using this Nathan person's name to lure you two in?"I mockingly smiled.

"Awe...Are you worried they'll arrest me?That is so sweet,however,Nathan is responsible from eantire England Navy troops.They arrest me and there will be concequances."

I turned to the soldiers."Do you want to die or get punished?""Neither?"I nodded."Then you go and we'll follow.I'll even lie that I did come with you guys if Nathan asks."

They got off the ship and went back to theirs.

"Last time we stopped by,we had an honorable captain with respectable contracts and deals.Now?You killed him.Contracts are off and we already established you have no honor."

"No responsinilities.""Exactly."

The entire crew started cheering and singing in joy!I know this was not how it was supposed to go but this is great.Besides,Nathan deserves to know our parents are dead.

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