Chapter 2: Destiny

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After returning home and finishing your school work, you tell Zeke about what happened during your day while the both of you sit on the couch and play video games together.

Zeke: Damn dude! You said he has six arms? Man i wish i had six arms. I could hold 3 beers on one side and grill 3 burgers on the other side! *Laughs*

(Y/N): Guy nearly broke me in half when we fought. He's pretty passive most of the time, but when we trained it was like he was a different person...*Winces* s-shit....Ugh my chest still hurts where he punched me.

Zeke: There's some pain killers in the bathroom if you need some.

(Y/N): Yeah i think I'll take one actually. You can handle the boss right?

Zeke: Man i got this, don't worry. It's not gonna be like last time.

(Y/N): Well last time i had to buy a new controller.

Zeke: It was only that one game bro! You're still mad about that?

(Y/N): Mad isn't really how i would describe it.

As you go to get some pain killers from a cabinet in the bathroom, you can hear Zeke having problems while playing the game. He furiously mashes the buttons and tries everything he can to not break another controller.

Zeke: That attack is cheap as hell! Motherfuckin' son of a....(Y/N) how the hell do you do that one thing again!?

(Y/N): Just jump and press the circle button Zeke, it's not that complicated.....Huh?

You look out the window and catch a glimpse of someone outside, but just as you see them they suddenly vanish. You shake your head in disbelief and look at the pill bottle in your hand.

(Y/N): *Sigh* I really need to get some sleep....


A few days have passed and everything seems to be going fine for you. You learn more about your classmates and become greater friends with them along the way. You and Zeke manage to have some fun during that time as well. Being in a different country is taking some time to get used to, but you're both making the best out of your situation. As another day begins, you rush out the door ready to go. Zeke follows right behind and actually gets his truck started on the first try.

Zeke: Haha! That's my girl! You hear her runnin' man? That's like a pussy cat purring.

(Y/N): Sounds more like an elephant having a stroke.

Jiro: Hey (Y/N)! Wait a minute!

(Y/N): Kyoka? What's the matter?

Jiro: My mom has a flat tire and my dad's already at work. Can i catch a ride with you guys?

Zeke: Hey sure thing kiddo! Hop aboard, oh uh hold on a minute....Lemme just.....

Zeke takes a minute to move a few things in the back seat like old beer cans, fast food trash and other junk cluttering his truck. Jiro steps inside making sure to watch where she sits and you all set off to UA High.

(Y/N): Sorry about Zeke's trash. He's a bit of a hoarder.

Jiro: Smells kinda funky in here.....

Zeke: Ah that's just old truck smell. Don't you worry about it. I've had this bad girl since (Y/N) was just a lil kid. Man...I kinda miss those days. You're growing up too fast bud *Pats (Y/N)'s shoulder*

(Y/N): And you're already growing gray hairs old man.

Zeke: Well the jokes on you funny guy. Some chicks dig studs like me with gray hairs.

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