Chapter 5: Crossroads

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As the school day ends once again, several pro heroes are gathered together in UA High to discuss recent events. Several investigators and security guards stand idle as the meeting progresses.

Investigator: As all of you are aware, we are facing with a rampant amount of crime ever since the devastating blast that occurred during the USJ incident

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Investigator: As all of you are aware, we are facing with a rampant amount of crime ever since the devastating blast that occurred during the USJ incident. The gang known as "The Reapers" have been growing in numbers by the day and reports of another faction known as the "Dust Men" are also on the rise...We don't know how these groups have become such a threat, but one thing is certain. Neither of these two factions are responsible for creation of the device that killed so many innocent lives and have left several towns around the country without power.

Aizawa: Ugh great...more mysteries to unravel....

All Might: It pains me not being able to do as much as i could in my glory days...i feel so useless.....

Nezu: Everything you do is quite helpful Toshinori. Don't beat yourself up.

Investigator: Thanks to the efforts of several brave souls, we were able to find a connection that could open this mystery wide open. Both parties, the Reapers and Dust Men, seem to have a connection with a particular individual seen here in this photograph. *Turns on projector*

The projector lights up and shines an image on a nearby white board showing a tall shrouded figure in white clothing.

All Might: That's them...the one who broke into my house...What's their game....?

Investigator: Our sources say that this individual calls themselves "Kessler".

Aizawa: That's the same bastard who tried to kidnap one of my students...When i get my hands on them...

Midnight: Hey easy there hotshot. We still don't know exactly what we're up against.

Investigator: All other attempts to gather information about this individual have proven...useless...
It's with heavy heart that i must report that several of our spies have either gone MIA or were found deceased...We aren't dealing with just any ordinary person. Whoever this Kessler is, they're not going to make it easy for us, but we do have one ace up our sleeve. We've managed to come into contact with one of our agents. They've left us a single message found on this USB.

The investigator plugs in the USB into a computer and plays a recording left behind by the agent.

???: This is John White, I have only 30 seconds until they know what I'm doing. Kessler and The First Sons are responsible for the blast. I...I tried to stop it...I pleaded with Kessler, but they wouldn't listen. That sick piece of shit is up to something even more devastating. You need to do whatever it takes to stop him....

All Might: "The First Sons"...*Sigh* Another group crawling out of the shadows....We can't let any of this stagger us any longer! We'll get to the bottom of this and bring justice to those responsible!

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