Chapter 7: The Sports Festival

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After dealing with the nightmare of Sasha and her gang of monsters last night, you stumble your way home and barely get any sleep as it finally becomes the day of the sports festivals arrival. You have Zeke take a look at your wounds first thing in the morning as the two of you watch the news in the living room. You wince in pain as you sit on the coffee table in front of the couch and hold one of your sides. Zeke hands you some painkillers and wraps some bandages around one of your arms.

News Reporter: Last night, a massive rescue operation took place just underneath the city as heroes and the police force took on the terrorist known as "The Reapers", who have been responsible for massive amounts of crime in the past few months. Dozens of citizens were rescued, and many more are currently receiving treatment for the horrible acts committed to them...

Zeke: *Whistles* Man, I'd hate to be down there with those freaks. Good thing you stopped em, right?

(Y/N): Yeah....*Sigh*

Zeke: Buddy, you know I would've gone down there myself if it meant saving you. I'm uh... Man, look, I know I messed up for getting piss drunk and passing out the other day...

(Y/N): I know Zeke.... Sasha was one tough psycho. I probably would've got snatched anyway.....Ow! Damn it...

Zeke: Woops! Sorry about that. It's been a while since I did this kind of stuff in the Army. Ah...those were the days, man...

(Y/N): I thought you said you were in the marines?

Zeke: Meh, potato tomato. Is there any difference? Dude, your dad and I kicked ass when we were in Iraq. There was this one time we were in a tank, and....Oh...uh...

(Y/N): I don't want to hear anything about that scumbag. Just get this crap over with...

Zeke: *Sigh* Aye, Aye, captain.

You sit quietly and contemplate to yourself as Zeke finishes patching you up. He rewards his hard work with another can of beer from the fridge. He returns to the living room, ready to watch his regular programs.

Zeke: Hey, that weird game show is almost on. Wanna watch it? (Y/N)? Hey...

(Y/N): .......It's just one thing after another....over and over... All because of me...I'm the reason for all of this.....

Zeke: Hey, come on man. We've been over this....All of this ain't your fault.

(Y/N): How is it not Zeke!? I activated that bomb! I killed all of those people! How can I call myself a Hero, let alone a student of one the biggest Hero schools out there, if I'm responsible for all of the chaos out there!

Zeke: No, you didn't (Y/N)! Whoever this Kessler guy is, did all of this. They tricked you, and they most likely want you to just throw the towel so they can keep getting away with all the crap their doing! Are you a quitter? Did your Mom ever say giving up on what you want most is alright? Well did she!?

You think back to your younger years when things were going steady with your parents. You remember watching Heroes doing amazing things on the news and laughing with your family as you told them what you aspired to be one day.

(Y/N): I...I'm just exhausted Zeke.... God I'm so tired of this shit.....

Zeke: Life ain't ever easy bud, but if we stick together and kick life in the teeth, ain't nothing getting in our way. I'm never gonna abandon you (Y/N). Whenever you're feeling like this, just remember what you're fighting for.

(Y/N): Right....Right....Thanks, Zeke....

Zeke: Anytime bud. *Cracks open can* Now then, about that game show.

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