Chapter 8: Conspiracies

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A few days after the Sports Festival, it was eventually time for everyone in UA to begin participating in the internship program. All students are required to work with a pro hero and whatever agency they work with to further train themselves should they ever wish to reach their fullest potential. No good hero is without a code name that people can easily remember you by. Before your internships started, everyone in your class was allowed to create their own unique names.

Jiro: Headphone Jack
Yuga: Can't stop twinkling
Tsuyu: Froppy
Shoji: Tentacole
Sato: Sugarman
Ojiro: Tailman
Sero: Cellophane
Mina: Pinky ( Formerly Alien Queen, but Midnight disapproved)
Kaminari: Charge Bolt
Toru: Invisible Girl
Tokoyami: Tsukuyomi
Mineta: Grape Juice
Koji: Anima
Momo: Creati
Uraraka: Uravity
Kirishima: Red Riot
Todoroki: Shoto
Iida: Tenya
Izuku: Deku
Bakugou: *Undetermined*

Of course, since everyone is to be working at a hero agency, they have to leave their homes for a while. You and your classmates sit around in a train station eagerly awaiting for your internships to start.

Aizawa: *Blows whistle* Alright everyone, listen up! Make sure you have everything you need before the trains get here. We're not responsible if you lose your phones or anything else. Futher more....

Jiro: Psst...(Y/N)...You alright?

(Y/N): Hm? Oh uh...Yeah.....

Jiro: Who did you decide to work with for your internship?

(Y/N): Present Mic, why do you ask?

Jiro: Just curious is all. I figured you would pick someone with a similar quirk to yours considering how many offers you got.

(Y/N): Yeah, i didn't really know who to pick to be honest...Too many to count....

You constantly check to time on your watch and look around anxiously, which makes Kyoka raise an eyebrow in confusion. She realizes the two of you are about to be caught slacking so she nudges you to pay attention.

Aizawa: ...And don't even think that i wont be able to punish you even if I'm not around. If i hear anything from your tutors, i will....

Jiro: *Nudges you* Can you believe Katsuki couldn't come up with ONE good name Ms. Midnight could approve?

(Y/N): "King explosion murder" Isn't the worst name I've heard before.

Jiro: What is it? Something from your old school right?

(Y/N): *Scoffs* One of the Seniors thought "Captain Ass kicker" was a good name and got suspended.

Jiro: *Trying not to laugh*

Aizawa: Excuse me! Something you'd like to share with the class (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I see...

Present Mic: Yooo Eraser! There you guys are! We doing the spy thing or what!?

You see Present Mic hurry over to your group and Aizawa gives him a punch in the arm. He starts whinging about it until he realizes we was talking too loud.

Present Mic: Crap...nearly blew it....

Aizawa: Shut up you dolt...

Mina: Umm? "Spy thing"?

Present Mic: Oh! Uhhh we're having a building...excercise by....playing "I spy" while we wait for your trains! *Winks at Aizawa*

Aizawa: ......Right....That's it....For sure....

Uraraka: I wanna go first! I spy....something big and round!

Mineta: Yaoyorozu's boobs!

Momo: Real mature....*Rolls eyes*

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