Chapter 14: Darkness Rising

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Your mothers suprise visit at the dormitories leaves you with absolutely speechless. She and Zeke sit down with you in the common area while Yaoyorozu brings over refreshments. A few other of your classmates are huddled and watch in silence from afar.

Mom: Oh...this is...lovely...Thank you.

Momo: Of course, mam. Let us know if you need anything else.

Zeke: Ah don't sweat it, kiddo. We ain't stayin' that long. Visiting hours are almost over anyway.

(Y/N): I...i still can't believe it...You're here....After all this time.... When did you leave the clinic? H-How long was this being planned?

Zeke: *Chuckles* Ain't this awesome buddy? Hey c'mon now, you look like you've seen a ghost. You alright?

(Y/N): Am i alright? I...I don't know...this is just so...sudden....

Mom: Honey....It's okay....*Deep breath* You don't have to say anything....I...know how you're feeling...But i didn't want to spend another week in that clinic and miss out on my little angel growing up.....

(Y/N): I...I love you...i missed you so much...

You get up from your seat and hug your mom tightly. She tears up and almost starts crying on the spot. Your classmates watching from around the corner are shooed away by Kyoka and Momo who want to make sure the moment isn't ruined.

Mom: S-So uh...this is your school? This campus is so....massive...How do you find your way around here?

Zeke: You'll get the hang of it. Believe me, i had a hell of a harder time learnin' all this stuff than you are. (Y/N) here is a natural though. You've got yourself a pretty bright kid.

Mom: I sure do....Well...I'm sure well have plenty of time to catch up later. I think it's about time we get going....

Zeke: Oh yeah, you had one hell of a flight here huh? You must be exhausted. Hey come here, I'll help you to the truck.

Mom: I-I'm good! I-I can make it myself...just fine...

(Y/N): Zeke....

Zeke: W-What!? What did i do?

Your mom climbs into the passenger seat of Zeke's truck and the two of you hang back for a bit before he leaves the dorm building.

(Y/N): You know how sensitive she's still got to be Zeke. Apparently she just got out of a mental clinic....

Zeke: I-I'm not tryin' to do nothin' to her i swear! Come on bud, don't look at me like that....Look, a long while back ago i gave that place a call to talk to her and she was ready to leave. She wanted to come down here to be with you and thats it. Aren't you excited?

(Y/N): I...I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now Zeke. Of course I'm happy to see her again, but....This whole Beast thing has me freaking out...i haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a long time...

Zeke: Hey...I get it...Don't you worry about a thing, bud. Next time we see eachother, we're gonna have fun. We'll put the whole you know what issue behind us and just try to relax. Besides...what could possibly go wrong? Go get some sleep, bud. I'll be seeing ya.

(Y/N): Hey, make sure she's got the cleanest room in the house. I don't want to hear about any critters running around or anything else.

Zeke: I'll treat her like the queen she is, i swear!

Mom: two.....

Zeke honks his trucks horn and drives off into the night. You return to your dorm room and see Kyoka wearing your leather jacket. She looks at herself in the mirror and notices you in the reflection. She jumps in fright and quickly takes it off. You lean against the doorway as she looks away in embarrassment.

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