Chapter 17: Ice and Fire Part: 2

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The Beast is 4578 miles from Japan...

Back at the dorms, you sit around in the common area with a few of your other classmates and watch the news unfold on the screen. The constant bad new showing up on the screen and excessive work studies to balance with school work has been putting a few of you down lately.

News Reporter: The battle against the Militia across Japan hasn't slowed down ever since their arrival just a few months ago. The rate of people getting injured in the crossfire is at an all time high and with the sudden increase in the mysterious disease, is not making anything easier for relief efforts. Many of Japans citizens are fleeing the country while others are reporting to be too scared to leave their own homes. In other news, the coast guard is keeping a close watch on the villain that has devasted countless cities across the United States as it crosses the pacific ocean. Where this villain came from and what their motives are still remain a mystery...

Kirishima: Man...This is getting intense...I wish there was more we could do about this...

Shoto: All we can do is let the police and pros do the best they can...If only i had passed the exam, i could be out there helping you all...I'm sorry...

Izuku: Don't worry about it Todoroki. You and Kacchan will catch up in no time!

Iida: We're not suppose to talk about our work studies with them Midoryia! Mr. Aizawa said...

(Y/N): Give it a rest Iida...Ugh my head is killing me...Damn it...speaking of headaches...

News Reporter: The Heroes and military of the U.S. are still focusing their efforts to continue helping the citizens affected by the disaster. As are many other countries reporting the occurrence of the spreading disease. In other news, despite being labeled as a terrorist group, it seems that the Militias leader, Joseph Bertrand the 3rd, claims otherwise. During one of his hijacked broadcast, he had this to say...

Bertrand: My friends...I know what i and the rest of my Militia have been doing lately may seem cruel. As my Meema used to say, "When a dog runs too freely on it's leash, it needs to be yanked back a bit". I am doing all of this to protect you from yourselves. The freaks amongst us need to be rounded up and contained...or better yet killed...Quirks are too dangerous to be used be considered acceptable...Take (Y/N) Macgrath for example...

(Y/N): Uuuuugggghhh.....

Bertrand: Did you all know how powerful they've become lately? They're summoning lightning storms out of nowhere, tossing my good soldiers around like ragdolls and spreading their sickness around with a.."Healing touch"....Absolutely disgusting! And to make matters worse, they've expanded their arsenal...Just look at the destruction they left behind when they learned how to manipulate smoke and fire...You know who else can do that?

(Y/N): *Sigh* Let me guess... The devil?

Bertrand: THE DEVIL HIMSELF!!! (Y/N) Macgrath...I demand that you turn yourself in! You must be punished in gods light! I will not rest until...

You turn the T.V. off in annoyance of Bertrands speech. Your classmates look to you as you get up and start leaving the room.

Mineta: When did you get smoke powers? I thought you could only make electricity or whatever?

(Y/N): You mean this? *Generates smoke in hands*'s new...Long story.....I'm gonna take a nap...don't wake me up unless it's urgent...

Kirishima: You got it dude!

Izuku: Hey (Y/N)...

(Y/N): *Sigh* .....Yeah?

Izuku: I uh....n-nevermind...

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