Chapter 12: Ultimate Power

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A long time has passed ever since you defeated Kessler. You've grown so much stronger and yet you're still filled with so many emotions. You fear the unknown threat that is soon to come...The Beast....With All Might gone and villains around the world growing ever more confident, the stakes are getting higher. All of UA's students are requested to move into dormitories for their own safety.

Zeke helps you move into your dorm room and finishes moving the last box in before wiping the sweat off his brow

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Zeke helps you move into your dorm room and finishes moving the last box in before wiping the sweat off his brow.

Zeke: Oh man....Well...That's my workout for the day....Man, i need a beer...

(Y/N): Thanks again for helping me out Zeke.

Zeke: Oh yeah, no problem bud. You need any help with anything and I'm your guy! Haha...yeah.....

(Y/N): You seem bummed out about this. You know we can still hang out right? This isn't gonna be permanent.

Zeke: I know...It's just...It's gonna be quiet as hell around the house now...Who am i gonna watch sports and play video games with now? You were just starting to a make a groove on the couch and everything....

(Y/N): *Chuckles* Zeke...What would i do without you? Hey uh...Where's that gizmo thing you were working on?

Zeke: Huh? It's not in here? OH CRAP THAT'S RIGHT!

Zeke rushes off back to his truck outside the dorms and you follow him. He digs through the bed of his truck, pushing away other piles of junk and clutter to find an odd looking device.

Zeke: "The Amp" is all set for ya! C'mon give her a test run!

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Zeke: "The Amp" is all set for ya! C'mon give her a test run!

(Y/N): You sure this thing isn't gonna blow up in my hands like last time?

Zeke: Hey i told you to be gentle with her. You can't go all willy nilly with the lightning, but now she'll be able to handle it!

You give the Amp a few good swings and channel your electricity through it, making the weapon crackle with electricity. Everything seems fine until one of the poles snaps off. Zeke looks down in dissapointment and lights himself a cigarette.

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