Chapter 11: End of the road

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After the attack on the training camp, the publics opinion on UA and the hero society as a whole was shaken. Many are losing their faith and support for heroes all around and it was only a matter of time before the villains made their next move. You currently sit on a hospital bed with Zeke pacing back and forth as he smokes cigarettes like a chimney.

Zeke: Man, what in the shit happened!? How could they just keep letting this bullshit happen to you kids!?

(Y/N): Keep your voice down Zeke! This is a hospital!

Zeke: How in the hell does a student and a pro hero get kidnapped at a secret training facility!? How!?

(Y/N): ZEKE! Stop and calm down before you give yourself a hernia.

Zeke: I know but....Aaagh! Fuck! *Kicks chair over*

The both of you are surprised as a pair of people suddenly enter the room. All Might and what looks like a police officer step in to visit. Zeke quickly hides his cigarette behind his back and is amazed by the presence of the #1 Hero standing before the both of you.

Cop: Hello there. I'm Detective Tsukauchi. I'm sure you both know who this gentleman is.

Zeke: I-I uh....Wow...You're a lot beefier in person man.

All Might: You shouldn't be smoking inside the hospital sir. There are alot of patients here that can't handle second hand smoke.

Zeke: You're....You're right man...I'm sorry, it's just...

All Might: No...I am the one who should be apologizing. I haven't been the hero i should have been for a long time. I've let so many people down lately...

Tsukauchi: Hey come on. We've talked about this...

All Might: *Bows* I vow to you all that with the power that i have, i will do whatever it takes to resolve all of this. Even if it means giving my life.

Zeke: I wasn't really expecting to see this today. Now uh, is there any other reason you both came to visit?

Tsukauchi: Actually, we were hoping to just ask (Y/N) here a few questions. It's a part of our investigation.

(Y/N): Zeke it's okay. I'll be fine without you for a while. Why don't you check out those fishing magazines in the lobby and see if you can find any good spots?

Zeke: *Chuckles* Alright...Let me get out of yalls hair for a minute.

Zeke leaves the room and you wince in pain as you try to move around in the bed. Some of your wounds from the training camp haven't fully recovered despite your fast healing abilities.

All Might: Easy now, young Macgrath. I know you're eager to get up, but you should take this time to properly recover.

(Y/N): Kessler is still out there All Might. I...I just know they're going to come after me again.

Tsukauchi: This Kessler...They've had their eyes on you for a while huh?

(Y/N): Ever since school started, yeah.

Tsukauchi: I'm aware that you've done some work for the hero association during what was supposed to be your internship. Although it was permitted temporarily, any vigilant and reckless use of your powers could lead to serious consequences, just so we're clear.

(Y/N): I get it. I...*Coughs* I just wanted to help stop whatever they were planning back in Akihabara.

All Might: And that you did (Y/N). We no longer have to worry about the Ray-Sphere thanks to your efforts. You have the making of a fine hero.

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