Chapter 15: Wolfe Hunt

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It's finally happened....The Beast has arrived...and you failed to stop it....You lay in a hospital bed and watch the news with Zeke at your bedside. Doctors are busy rushing down the halls just outside your room and your head is aching like crazy. You are filled with despair as more and more bad news keeps being reported on the T.V.

Reporter: It has been several hours since the catastrophic destruction of Empire City occurred. Our numbers aren't accurate...but the death toll is to be estimated in the millions...The national guard is being deployed as fast as possible and our overseas troops are being recalled back to the United States to assist in the crisis...Whatever this....anomaly is...I-It's continuing it's rampage along the coast line and....

(Y/N): ....Zeke....turn

Zeke: Man...It's headin' to New Marais...What's it doing?

(Y/N): .....Zeke!.....

Zeke: Huh? O-Oh...sorry....*Turns T.V. off* Hey bud....Feeling any better?

(Y/N): I...i can't feel it...What's going on?

You look at your hands and try to make your electricity spark out, but nothing happens....You clench your muscles and almost strain yourself trying to activate your quirk, Zeke puts his hands on one of your shoulders and gets you to relax a little bit.

Zeke: You've been going in and out and consciousness for a while (Y/N)...You need to lay back down and get some rest....That thing must've drained your powers or something....

(Y/N): I...I remember.... The it take my powers away? W-What do we do now?

Lucy: (Y/N)!? Hello!?

(Y/N): Kuo? Is that her?

You can hear someone running down the hallway calling your name and see Lucy Kuo run into the room. She's carrying a large backpack and you feel a familiar energy radiating from it.

Lucy: Oh thank god you're alive...and even better that you're awake! What the hell happened out there!?

(Y/N): The Beast...It finally showed itself....I tried to stop it but....

Lucy: W-What!? B-But Dr. Wolfes notes say....whatever...Can you walk? We need to get you out of here.

Zeke: Woah hold on now, (Y/N) can barely make a damn spark let alone walk on their own. They need time to recover Kuo.

Lucy: We don't have the time to be waiting for your wounds to heal...Dr. Wolfe has been kidnapped....

(Y/N): WHAT!? When did he....How!?

Lucy: I-I don't...I don't know.....I was walking to his lab at the school and it got ransacked and....

Lucy holds her head and paces back and forth clearly in a panic. She tries to get her composure together and takes a deep breath. You try to get up from your bed with Zekes help, but you can barely walk without the need of a crutch.

Lucy: ....We...We know who did it....And we're going to stop them...The school faculty managed to recover the surveillance footage after someone attempted to hack the system....

(Y/N): Someone broke into his lab and hacked the schools security system? Whoever they are surely isn't an amateur.

Lucy: See for yourself...They've been playing this non stop on T.V. It gets taken down, but somehow keeps getting back on the air.

Lucy grabs the T.V. remote and turns it back on to scroll through the channels. She finds the broadcast she had mentioned and what appears to be a grizzled old war veteran carrying a calvary sword and several heavily armed thugs stand next to him.

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