Chapter 18: Speed of light

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The Beast is 2893 miles from Japan...

After the Militias humiliating defeat and loss of the power transfer machine, Bertrand takes his frustration out on his own troops deep within the Yakuza's underground tunnels. They try to run and fight back to no avail. Bertrands anger causes his hideous mutations to spring forth and disfigure his body. He viciously slaughters his own men and shrugs off the buckshot from a point blank blast of a shotgun. He holds his attacker by the throat against a concrete wall. The lights of the underground hideout flicker on and off briefly showing what he looks like, terrifying the soldier in his grasp...

Militia Grunt: N-No! Please! Get away from me!!!

Bertrand: *Snarling* Failure... Cannot be tolerated...

The cruel monster snaps the neck of his soldier and tosses their body to the side. After a moment of taking a few deep breaths, Bertrands mutations revert back into his body and he wipes the blood off of his face. He pulls a small prayer bead out from his pocket and gets down on his knees to pray.

Bertrand: ....Lord....f-forgive me....I...I have sinned greatly in this life...But i promise you...I will cleanse your kingdom of this disease that plagues us....No matter the cost......

Meanwhile, back at the dorms, you sit in the common area with everyone else and can't help, but show off your new powers to everyone.

Kaminari: Woah! You've gotta be kidding me! You got ANOTHER power!?

Mineta: How overpowered are you going to get, huh!? You're making the rest of us look bad!

(Y/N): Hey i need all the tricks i can get for whenever the Beast shows up. I'll be ready for a rematch in no time.

Momo: *Coughs* (Y/N)...Why would you want to fight that...thing...?

Kirishima: Yeah....Didn't that thing almost kill you? I mean...I get wanting some payback, but still....That thing is way out of our league.

Iida: He's right (Y/N). As impressive as it is that your quirk is getting stronger. We're all still students, you included...And furthermore...*Gasp* Yaoyorozu!?

The room gets quiet as Momo Yaoyorozu falls to the ground with sweat pouring down her face. She breathes heavily and looks deliriously around the room as your classmates help her back to her feet.

Momo: Uh...W-What...happened?

Toru: Hey c'mon, you need to get back to bed!

Momo: I...Y-You're right...*Sigh* I thought i got over this...sickness....

Iida: Is there anyone else feeling symptoms? We can't afford to get anyone else sick!

Sero: I-I think I've got it too....My heads been aching lately...

Ojiro: Same here....Ugh...

(Y/N): This sickness is getting worse...My healing power isn't enough to make it go away...Damn it!

Izuku: You've done all you can (Y/N). Everyone is grateful that you're at least trying to help out around here.

(Y/N): *Sigh* Right...But still...It's not enough....

Izuku: Hey about that "talk"....

*Phone Buzzing*

(Y/N): Hold that thought....*Checks phone* Zeke's coming to pick me up. I'm gonna go visit my mom for a while. We'll talk later, yeah?

Izuku: Uh...y-yeah sure....

You get ready to leave the dorms and wait outside for Zeke to arrive. He honks his horn repeatedly in an excited manner and laughs out of the window as he drives up.

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