Chapter 3: Karma

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It's been hard for you to recuperate after getting out of the hospital. Your powers feel strange and confusing to use. However with time you've learned how to control them to a better degree than before. You sit on the couch in your living room with a warm blanket wrapped around yourself. Your body aches and you try to get rest. Zeke brings over a plate of food for you and you both watch T.V. together as if nothing bad ever happened.

Zeke: Eat up kid. You need to keep your strength up.

(Y/N): I know....Just...cold in here....

Suddenly the power goes out again and the room gets colder and colder. You grip your blanket tighter trying to stay warm until the power kicks back on.

Zeke: Man what the hell is going on? Are they ever gonna fix the power grid?

(Y/N): Having the power go out....i don't know....makes me feel...drained....Why do these things keep happening to me...? What did i do to have shit thrown at me every time it seems things are getting better....? I...i can't....

Zeke: Don't you even think about finishing that sentence man. You don't ever give up, you hear me. We'll get through this.

(Y/N): Okay...*Shivers* y-you're right....

As you get chills over your body, you suddenly feel a warm buzzing sensation in the air. You feel every ounce of electricity radiating from the T.V. as the power comes back on. It fills you with a warm sensation that makes you feel better, it entices you like a moth to a flame. You reach your hands out and suddenly all of the energy becomes drained from the T.V. and into your body! Zeke fumbles back towards the wall as you remarkably get healthier in mere seconds. You look to your hands and watch a few sparks gently erupt from them.

Zeke: Holy shit! Y-You alright!?

(Y/N): Yeah...i...I feel...good?

Zeke: Shit....You're like a freaking walking battery now. Probably need to like....recharge every now and then....So uh....I guess we need a new T.V. now.


The very next day, You and Zeke go out to do some shopping downtown. The destruction from the blast is noticeable as several buildings lost some chunks from their sides. Some people are sick and being helped by paramedics giving out shots and other treatments to those in need. It's hard for you to look at all of this. You feel responsible for all of this suffering.

(Y/N): This's all my fault.....

Zeke: Don't say that kiddo. You didn't know what would've happened that day. Hell if anybody tries to hurt you again, your ole buddy Zeke is packin' heat this time! *Chuckles and pats gun holster*

(Y/N): This isn't a movie Zeke. Don't go flinging that thing around like you're Clint Eastwood or something.

Zeke: Hey i may be a redneck, but i ain't that crazy. You know i got a license for this and all that other crap. C'mon, we got some shoppin' to do.

As you and Zeke look around to find a shop that's actually open and not suffering from the effects of the blast. The once bustling streets of the city are nearly empty asides from a few small groups of people every now and then. You eventually find a small shop and enter.

Zeke: Hey I'm gonna go talk to the guy behind the counter about a new T.V. Can you see if they got anything good in that music rack over there?

(Y/N): Looks like this place has about everything. Might be something good in here after all.

As you search the music section of the small store for anything good, you accidentally touch hands with another person while reaching for something you wanted. You look over to who it is and see it's Kyoka Jiro of all people. Her face gets flustered and she takes a few steps back.

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