Memories Of You (Reona Nyubara x Male Reader)

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???: "Mou! (Y/N), wake up!"

(Y/N): "Zzzz... Hmm... 5 more minutes..."

???: "Oh my goodness. Fine, you forced my hand..."

???: "Haiyah!"

(Y/N): "Ah, goddammit!" All of a sudden, I feel a huge force come down on my stomach. When I open my eyes, I see my childhood friend, Reona Nyubara, or her stage name PAREO, sitting on my stomach.

Reona: "Hey you, you're finally awake!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, well that's because you body-slammed onto my stomach!"

Reona: "Well, how else was I supposed to wake you up?"

(Y/N): "Aye Yai Yai... alright fine, you got me. Now get off me, yeah?"

Reona: "Kay Kay!" Reona gleefully gets off of me and I sit up.

Reona: "You better get ready fast or else we're gonna be late for school."

(Y/N): "Alright, I got it. I'll be ready as soon as possible." Reona nods at me and exits my room, and I assume that she goes into the living room.

*Sigh* How did I become friends with a girl like her? She's so much more... talented than me. I'm just... (Y/N) (L/N). And not to mention she's in the band Raise A Suilen. A band capable of holding their own against Roselia. I may be her childhood friend, but I'm 2 years older than her, which makes me a 1st year in high school while she's a 2nd year in middle school. She commutes for almost 3 hours just so that she can practice with RAS. I mean, she lets me tag along, but I feel like I'm being left out. Argh, what am I saying, Am I getting sidetracked by my self-consciousness? I Gotta forget about that and I gotta get ready, just like Reona said.

A Few Minutes Later...


Ah yes, the dreaded walk to school. When you're alone, it sucks to see everyone walk to school with their friends, and then there's you who is just walking alone. But, at least Reona always walks with me, even though she goes off first. Although, she has been acting quite weird ever since I got up. Like, when we were eating breakfast, she just up and asked me if there was anybody I liked. I mean, I do, but I avoided the question by saying "I don't know." When I answered that, I couldn't tell if she was either happy or sad. Maybe both. And on top of that, she usually never walks this close to me. Hmm, as much as I want to say something's up, I don't just wanna accuse her of that. I'm her childhood friend, I would know better. I'll just try and forget about it.

(Y/N): (Stretching) "Aiya, I could've slept in for a bit longer. There's still like 10 minutes left before school starts."

Reona: "Oh, I know, but there's something I wanted to ask you before you left."

(Y/N): "Oh, is that so? Well then, go ahead. I'm all ears."

Reona: "When you're done with school, can you come to the Craft Club's clubroom?"

(Y/N): "Oh, of course. I don't see why not. Although, this is quite sudden. Is everything alright?"

Reona: "H-Huh? O-Oh no, everything is fine. Don't worry about me."

(Y/N): "Uhh, okay then. Well, this is where we split off. See you soon, Reona." As soon as I start to walk away, Reona hugs me from behind.

(Y/N): "W-What?! R-Reona?!"

Reona: "Sorry (Y/N)... but I don't know what came over me... I... just had the impulse to just hug you."

(Y/N): "Oh... I-It's okay."

Reona: "Hey (Y/N), we'll be together forever, right?"

(Y/N): "Huh? What are you saying? Of course, we will. We've been together ever since we met, remember? There's no way I'm just gonna up and leave you. Promise." After my sentence, Reona doesn't respond for a few seconds, but I have a feeling that she's smiling.

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