My Ideal Model (Maya Yamato x Scale Model Enthusiast Male Reader)

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"It's the weekend.... " I groaned as the alarm on my mobile phone rang. I immediately check the screen, which shows the time - ten in the morning on a sunny Saturday.

"Oh shit!!"

I quickly realized the reason why I set such an alarm early on this weekend - the tickets for the annual Hobbies Market were on sale today.

I immediately checked the messages on my phone

"We better get an idea on what to depict for Hobbies Market - Jiro."

It was from one of my friends in the scale modeling circle.

Constructing scale models of warships has been my passion since junior high school, second only to playing the keyboard. The Hobbies Market could be considered the pinnacle of all hobbies-related events, where fans could express their love for their fandoms. Anime, gaming, cosplay, scale model building, you name it, all of them were present. For this year, I am planning to enter a scale model into my circle's group entries.

After a quick freshening up, I immediately rushed toward the mall, heading for the hobby shop located at the top floor. Nearing the front entrance, I already saw a large crowd lining up towards the entrance. They were obviously lining up for something at the atrium. Suddenly, a bunch of rowdy fans try to cut the line in front, shoving me down to the floor.

"Dammit, watch where you guys are going!!" I cursed at the rowdy fans, who just ran away without even a single apology.

[Maya's POV]

"I can't wait to meet the fans and announce our major project today," Eve-san excitedly told me, as we made our way back from buying snacks outside. Aya-san, Chisato-san and Hina-san were already preparing for the meet, while Eve-san and I went out to buy snacks.

"Someone might hear us and leak the news, Eve-san. I think we should keep it under wraps for now." I replied. "But yeah, our new project is an exciting one."

"Your advice seems fair, but my role was extremely bushido like how Aya-san and Chisato-san got the main roles, and Hina-san said her role was boppin'."

"I am already glad for the character I was assigned, huhehe." I chuckled back.

As we neared the main entrance, I saw someone down on the ground.

"Eve-san, there's someone there."

"You should go and help him, Maya-san."

I immediately rushed towards the downed person.

"Let me help you u- wait a minute, aren't you.... Y/N-san?"


I could not believe who was before me.

"M..... Maya-chan?!" It was her, along with her white-haired friend who I assume is European.

"It is indeed you, Y/N-san!!! It's been so long!! I'd never thought that we'd meet again after we graduated from music school."

Maya Yamato, or Maya-chan as I call her, was my classmate and closest friend in music school back when we were in elementary. While I took the keyboard, she decided to learn the drums. The Maya-chan I knew back then was a very shy and introverted girl, preferring to hide in small, tight spaces during break time than the company of her fellow students. But her passion shone when it came to tinkering with various musical instruments. The two of us became close friends after I found her drumming skills interesting, which led us to strike up a conversation. Eventually, after we graduated, we went our separate ways.

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