Behind the Mask ( Matsuki x Male Reader )

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It was just any other normal day off for me, spending some alone times in the arcade. With the Covid pandemic on-going, the arcade was very empty. Which, funny enough, also solved the thing I hated most about the arcade, how noisy people are at arcades. Was playing my favorite game, Pump It Up, trying to get a full combo. I was at the end with 1 note left when I suddenly heard a loud bang behind me. It was loud enough to distract me and I missed the last note. I was VERY furious mainly for two reasons. 1, I have been trying to full combo this song since like forever and that day was the closest I’ve have ever been to a full combo, with 1 MISS. 2, it was my day off so I took some times enjoying myself there and let’s just say that I tried “many” times to full combo this. So in case you still haven’t realized, I was kinda pissed off at whoever made that loud bang. It also wasn’t hard to find the source, because when I turned around, the culprit was still there banging on the claw machine. It was girl with short blonde hair which barely reaches her shoulders, with asymmetrical fringe, as well as dark gold eyes. She was wearing a high-waisted wide leg pants with a cropped black top, over which she wears a deep red sukajan jacket with white stripes and pictures of Hanyo Usagi on the front. She wears black ballet flats without socks. Her style can be described as sukeban.


“ちっく... この... クロー... マ... シン!”

“Hey you. I understand that you’re very upset, maybe downright angry right now. But could you keep it down please, you’re being very loud. ”




“….im dead.”


“I guess. Sorry for suddenly yelling like that. The frustration got to me and I kind of lost control.”


“She’s surprisingly polite and well mannered.”


“Well it’s fine. It’s my fault too for suddenly lecturing you out of nowhere. It’s a bad habit of mine. As an apology, let me do something for you.”


“No it’s fine really. It was my fault too so you don’t really need to-”



“Here, you were trying to get this stuffed bunny right?”


“…thank you…”


“Well, I think I’ve played enough for the day. Try to relax and enjoy yourself more. Remember, this’s an arcade.”


“Ah, wait!”



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