Our Hope (Hagumi Kitazawa x Male reader)

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[Just a heads up that "Momiji" is the term for Japanese Maple.]

"Y/N!!!" I can hear some cute voice calling me... And that is...

"Hmm?? Oww- Hagumi-chan!!" Yep, the cheerful and cutest girl shouted as she ran to me and tackled me from behind me and hugged me.

"Woaah, chill out little girl. Why such a high spirit?" I head pat her while hugging her back.

"Nothing... Hagumi just wants to hug you, hihihi...." Awww, such an adorable response. I can't hold her cuteness when she answers, I really want to protect her so much.

"Oh yeah, Y/N do you have time next week??" Hagumi asked.

"Hmmm well.. Since I don't have a scheduled part time job next week it should be fine..."

"Aaah that's good, Hagumi actually wants to ask you if you're free next week so we can hunt Momiji leaves." Hunting Momiji leaves??? Oh yeah... last year, Hagumi asked some other girl to go Momiji hunting with her, and yeah, it seems that it is my turn going with her... Just the two of us...

"Momiji leaves??? Well... I'm fine with it, we can make some hope for our future relationship as well." When I said that, Hagumi's face became so red.

"Y- yeah... H- Hagumi's really happy about that..."

"What's wrong? Did I say something silly?" I said as our faces got close that it made her blush harder with her cheeks getting a redder tint.

"I... umm... i- it's nothing" Hagumi said as I could see her trying to avoid my eyes contacting her. And by just teasing a bit, I kissed her cheek.

"Waaah!!! Y-Y/N... W-w-why did you do that all of the sudden?!" Hagumi said, showing her cute face.

"Nothing.... Just wanna tease this cute girl I have" I told her and playfully smiled. Hagumi truly is a cute girl to tease.

"H- Hagumi feels happy and embarrassed you know... A- anyways, Y/N... don't be late to come okay? Meet me at the usual place, okay?" Hagumi told me.

"Okay, I understand." We both kissed each other and said goodbye. I can't wait for next week going to a date with her.




Next week

We both met each other in Hagumi's store. It's a bit weird to pick her up at her house but... It's not really a problem for me, I don't want her to get taken by someone, she's too precious.

We went walking together to the station while talking about some random stuff like Hagumi's story like how randomly Hello, Happy, World! formed, even I don't even understand what she told like how Michelle could fly, Kokoro going to the north pole and yeah... Seems like Kanon and Misaki are working really hard to take care of 3 members in Hello, Happy, World!. Beside that, when I confessed to hagumi, Misaki was really surprised when I told her we were going out.

She asked me why I confessed to her. The cause is only one reason why I express my emotions to her and of course I really love her so much. Despite the fact that she is so harmless and not that smart just like the others, I can sense she cares about her friends and others... Even when her friend Akari almost loses her wish due to a surgical treatment problem, Hagumi nevertheless cares and tries to cheer up Akari and the baseball group and her band too... Even I know how she's a bit dumb in that band, but oh well... Stupid or not... She's still the girl I love.




~few hours later~

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