Final Attempt - Kanon x Male reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

Teacher: "Alright class, it is time to go home, make sure to do your assignments. Class dismissed."

Students "Thank you Ms."

Teacher: "No problem, good afternoon class!"

As soon as the teacher leaves the classroom, all of the students starts preparing their things to leave the school.

It's been a long day...

I left my classroom and went my way to the school's gate.

And then I saw someone familiar, waving slightly at me from the gate.

I walked up to the girl.

Kanon: "Hey (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Hey Kanon. Did you wait long enough?"

Kanon: "No, I just got here myself." She said shaking her head sideways.

(Y/N): "Ah..Okay then."

I noticed a certain someone isn't here.

(Y/N): "Where's Chisato-san?"

Kanon: "Ah...she can't go home with us today, she said she have to do something very urgent."

(Y/N): "I-I see."

Kanon: "What's wrong? You look nervous."

(Y/N): "'s nothing."

Truth is...Chisato and I had this planned all along, today is the chance that I will confess to Kanon how I feel.

Today is the day. I cannot let this chance slip away.

Kanon: "Mm...Shall we go then?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Let's go."

After that we started walking side-by-side on our way to our houses.

We had small conversations while walking, we talked about how life goes, talked about her band, Hello Happy World!, school homeworks, and more..

...Wish I could hold her hand though.

But that wish will come true soon, I just gotta confess to her....

...Not sure if she feel the same way as me though...

But it's worth a's better than nothing.

What's the worst thing that could've happen?

Kanon: "(Y/N)?"

I was still in deep thoughts, not hearing Kanon.

She poked my hand and I came back to reality.

(Y/N): "Ah, sorry, what is it Kanon?"

Kanon: "(Y/N) space out too often, that's dangerous you know."

(Y/N): "Ah...sorry sorry, I'll make sure to not space out too often then."

Kanon: "You always say that..."

(Y/N): "Well's just a habit of mine..."

Kanon: "Oh, and we're here."

I didn't realise we already reached the point where we were going to part ways to our houses. Guess I spaced out too much.

(Y/N): "Ah. You're right."

Kanon: "*giggle* Well...I'll see you tomorrow then, (Y/N)." She said waving at me.

(Y/N): "Mhm. See you tomorrow." I waved back at her.

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