"Inseparable" - Yukina x Male Reader

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(Y/N’s POV)

Shuri (Shurijo) Castle, Okinawa, Japan

She told me she’d be here. This is an iconic castle in Japan, and it attracts many visitors on this island I call home…

Although the castle partially burned down a few years back, it’s still standing. That’s why they need helpers out. Specifically, men and women who can volunteer.

I wonder where she’s at? I’ve gotta look around a bit. It’s already nighttime, because I had to stay late after school with loads of homework, plus helping Tsugu and Hina with student council work.

Looking around, there seems to be a small lookout area, with stairs leading up to it. I guess it’s best to look there, and maybe she’ll be there.

Lookout Point, Near the Castle…

I quickly noticed a girl singing quietly to herself. She was wearing a traditional shrine maiden outfit,  The wind was lightly blowing her silver-colored hair to the east, toward the castle.

The moonlight shone in such a way that made her hair seem to glisten more, making her seem like an angel in the near distance. If I listen closely, I wonder if I can hear what she’s singing?

“Louder, you’re my everything…”

“Your sound, overflowing with light…”

Suddenly, the girl stopped singing, and turned to me. As I thought, it was my Yukina. Nobody else has a voice quite like hers. She gave me a sharp look, then her face lightened up a bit.

She walked toward me, and held her hands open wide.

I went in for a hug, but she quickly sidestepped me.

“Kidding,” she said to me. “No hug for you. Too slow.”

I should’ve known! Yukina isn’t one to show affection that much in public, even if there aren’t many people here at this time of night.

“C’mon, Yukina. Just a quick hug. Don’t be mean to your boyfriend like that!”

Yukina’s face turned red. “It’s my choice. My smile is all you get.”

While Yukina’s smile certainly brightens up my day (or night, in this case), all I wanted was a simple hug!

Yukina started walking off. “Come on. My night shift starts now. We can talk and have some time together while I make the castle look more presentable.”

I followed her, and we entered Shurijo Castle together. Yukina, devoted to her work, immediately started dusting the entrance room.

“Gotta dust off the place. Can’t have a dusty room, right?” she said to me.

“I agree. Just watching you dart across the room, doing this and that, it makes me tired already.”

Yukina laughed. “It’s been what, five minutes? I have to finish the dusting, light the candles, set up the shrine, and check on the incense before 11 PM. Then I can have time to rest and eat.”

“All that before lunch?” I wondered out loud. “I should help you out, then. Are we the only ones in the entire castle right now?” I asked her.

“Seems so. I wasn’t told about this. But there’s got to be a few security guards, right? This is a sacred, historic castle, after all. There’s still a few people out in the courtyard, though.”

Alone time with Yukina? No, I must resist. Like she said, this is a sacred castle. No time for love birds messing around here. We’d be in big trouble. And considering how disciplined Yukina is, she’d never let me do anything like what I’m thinking here.

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