Imperfectly Perfect ( Ran Mitake x Male Reader )

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[Y/N]’S POV:

This is Nice.”

It was four in the afternoon. The Sun was about to set, and you could truly feel that the day was about to end. The cool breeze blew gently as the trees danced and swayed along with it. The sky has a Scarlet Hue, and some stars are becoming visible as time goes by. It was my favorite time of the day, after a busy day at CiRCLE.

After another day of Hard work, along with the girl bands, I finally retreat to the place where I can finally feel at peace. It was a small park, wherein children play, with a vast variety of flowers, and a Tree at the middle of it all. Beside it was a clear view of the shore side, knowing that the place was pretty near to the city beach. The scene was pretty beautiful as you could see the Sun setting, and it slowly plunged into the water, finally welcoming the night.

I usually come here by myself, but now… I continue to tell myself that one day, I will share this moment with someone.


But for a moment, I totally forgot that I was already sharing my solitude with someone.

I snapped back from my daze and realized that a certain vocalist was lying against my shoulder. As soon as I felt her touch and saw her face, A smile crept up my face.

There she was, Ran Mitake, The Vocalist of Afterglow, sitting by my side, and leaning against me. Her Black hair along with that Red streak on her hair sways gently as the wind continues to blow gently, her closed eyes and lips that gives you the urge to kiss her, God I was so lucky.

But Come to think of it… I never deserved to have her in the first place.

She’s perfect. Literally The girl of my Dreams, ever since I first laid eyes on her, I felt nothing else but the urge to have her by my side and love her for the rest of my Life. It had been a long time, and yet deep inside, I still feel so undeserving.


I suddenly notice that she has a worried expression on her face. She was finally awake, but it seems that she sensed something with me.

“Is there something wrong?” Ran asked me, which I completely tried to reassure her that I was fine.

“Nothing’s wrong Ran… I’m totally fine.” I smiled, reassuring her. Unfortunately, she does see through this. She then comes closer to me, making me a little nervous.

“Really? If it’s about Moca from practice, don’t mind her… She’s always flirty about it…” Ran said in an apologetic manner.

“Don’t worry it’s fine... It’s not that bad anyway.” I immediately reassured her.

“Is it about your cheeseburger? I’m sorry About Moca, she really loves Bread and food… I scolded her for taking it before you could even eat.” She continued. The thing about her was she doesn’t talk that much, but whenever she was with me, she would open up about stuff and talk slightly a lot.

“Ha! Classic Moca…” I replied with a chuckle, but the worry was still there. Ran noticed this, then she held my hand.

“[Y/N], didn’t we promise each other that we shouldn’t hide anything from each other?” Ran started. Oh right, I forgot… Gosh, what the hell am I doing?

“Y-yeah… But ab-“

“Are you cheating on me?” Ran immediately asked.

“What?! Hell no!” I immediately replied.

"Were you looking at Himari's Boobs again?" She asked once again.

"What the?! HECK NO!" I immediately replied, my face as red as a tomato.

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