Beautiful Sentence (Kokoro x Reader)

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As I walked towards CiRCLE, I looked out at the sky, clouds starting to fill it, I saw the gradually decreasing clear space with the sun starting to become blocked off from the world around me. As so very often, I have a shift at CiRCLE now that classes are over. But if the weather keeps getting worse and it starts to rain, then I wonder just how many customers we'll actually have. The last time I was there it didn't seem like anybody had booked a practice session today, and I wonder just how many people will want to go out. Roselia is the most likely to come by, so maybe I'll be able to talk to Ako and Lisa or something, that could maybe make this day feel a little less dull.

As I got inside, I nodded to Marina, who was standing at the counter, keeping an eye out for possible customers. I went to change into my work uniform before I go clock in when I felt somebody behind me began to wrap me in a hug. And before even hearing her speak, I knew who it was.

"Hey Y/n!" Said by the girl who hugged me.

"Hey Kokoro. What's with the sudden hug?" I said, waiting for her to let go of me before moving in any way.

After her hands unwrapped themselves from me, I then turned to face the vibrant, energetic girl, the same smile on her face. "It's because today is special!" she excitedly told me.

"Oh? How so?" I said, with her infectious mood already improving mine.

"I'll tell you after we rehearse, alright?" Kokoro said.

"Just gonna leave me hanging for a bit, huh? Alright, then I'll eagerly wait for you to tell me." I said before heading back to change.

After I came out, I saw that most of Hello Happy World had arrived, the only one not here yet being Kanon. I should've figured that if there was any band that a little rain wouldn't affect, it would be them. Still, I imagine that before long they very well make a search party for Kanon.

Luckily, Kanon appeared not long after, finding her way here in the end I guess. After that, Hello Happy World was set up with a room and set off to rehearse.

After they headed their way, I got to work, steadily going through my duties while Marina took care of customers at the counter. Well I say that, but in the end there were many people who came by today, since just as I expected, it started to rain.

An hour or so after Hello Happy World started their rehearsal, I saw them exit the room they had been rehearsing in.

"You guys calling it an end? Or are you just taking a break?" I asked.

"We're calling it a day a bit earlier than usual today." Misaki said before she turned to Kokoro. "I'm gonna head out ahead of you. I'll see you tomorrow." Misaki continued.

"Alright, I'll see you then." Kokoro responded.

Since I wasn't busy and I knew Marina wouldn't mind, I spent a bit talking to the members of Hello Happy World. One by one all the members besides Kokoro had to leave, meaning that it was just the two of us. As I continued to speak to her a bit more, I said "Say, you haven't told me what makes today so special yet. So what is it?"

Kokoro's wonderful smile widened a bit more as she said: "It's because today is the day I tell you that I love you!" Upon hearing that, I ended up going quiet for a second. This adorable ball of sunshine is in love with somebody quiet and boring like me? "Wait- you love me?" I asked, having a hard time formulating my words.

"I do! You're always so nice to me, and you make me laugh lots too." Kokoro said, her cheeks starting to become slightly more flush.

As I realized that she really did love me in the way I thought she meant, I felt a warmth in my heart ignite. Since I met her, this girl has become a positive force in my life. I really do enjoy being beside her and I've fallen for her, but I figured that due to me not being anything special, that the possibility of ever entering a relationship with her was just a pipedream.

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