You can Rely On Me (Tsukushi Futaba x Male Reader)

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- By Quarth/Superdude704




*Beep* *Beep*

God dammit... Is it that time?

I groggily open my eyes and grab my alarm clock. 

8 AM, it says.

Guess it's that time then. I go and wake up.

Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm that type of person who sleeps for almost the whole day. Well, that's because I work multiple jobs so that I can take care of my sick mother, who's been bed ridden for the past few weeks. 

It's an easily curable disease, but the medicine for it costs a fortune. Which is why I work so much. I often get around 3-4 hours of sleep a day, which probably isn't good for my health, but who cares?

(Y/N): "Hmm, what's on the agenda today?" I say as I walk up to my calendar.

"Hmm... Oh right, I have my orientation at Tsukinomori." A newly built school that was once supposed to be an all girls one, but was changed last minute due to undisclosed reasons.

On top of that, it was also supposed to be one of those schools for the rich and fancy, which really makes you wonder how a guy like me got into a school like that.

*Sigh* "Well, no point in just standing round here. Time to get going."

But before I head off, I quickly step into my mothers bedroom to notify that I'm going.

"Mom, I'm going now." I say in a gentle voice.

"Don't forget to put the dishes in alphabetical order when you come back." She says quietly.

Haha, my mother. She says the weirdest things.

Don't worry mom, I'll get you that medicine in no-time!


Tsukinomori Academy

"... Is this the place?"  Wow, I was right. This place is quite fancy. I see a whole lot of high class girls and boys coming here. I feel out of place here. 

"Ah well, no use just standing around here. I need to head to the gym."


"Where is the gym...?"

Crap, I should've looked for a map... Wait, is there even a map here?


???: "Hey, excuse me...?"

What am I gonna do now? I'm done for...

???: "Hellooo...?"

So much for getting a good job and getting that medicine for my mom... Forgive me mother...

???: "HEY!" Someone shouts out.

I quickly jump out of my trance and look around for the voice that called out to me.

???: "Hey, down here."

I look down and see a girl with dark purple hair tied into twin tails with orange eyes looking up at me.

(Y/N): "Uhh, hey there. Can I help you?"

???: "I was gonna ask you that. You seem like you're lost." The girl says to me.

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