Bread, Love, and More Bread? (Moca x Reader)

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(Y/n POV)




"Saaya, Do you think it's wrong to eat too much bread?" I asked Saaya, a friend of mine.

"I don't know, Y/n. But hey, there's more to food than just bread." Saaya said as she sighed in defeat.

"Then, I'll just experiment. I'll buy all the melon bread that is available right now!" I said as Saaya, once again, sighed in defeat.

"Here's the payment!" I said to her as I gave her the money while she gave me the big bag that was filled with melon bread.

"Saaya~ I'll have all the melon bread please." A voice said as the bakery's door opened. I looked back and saw Moca, a classmate of mine.

"Too late, Moca. Y/n here took every single melon bread." Saaya said as Moca sighed in defeat.

"Mou~ Y/n, how about I give you a free ticket to our next concert for free and you give me half of the bread you have." Moca said, negotiating a trade. Moca is the guitarist of a band called Afterglow. I actually enjoy their songs and I am close to all their members because they're my classmates. And as much as I don't want to give up my bread, Moca offered a pretty good trade.

"Alright, fine... We can eat together here!" I said as I agreed to her negotiations.

The two of us sat down and began to eat the melon breads one by one. As I was eating, I left myself staring at Moca. I've known her ever since the first year of high school and I have found her cute ever since. Her sleepy voice and love for bread is something else.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Moca said, breaking my train of thought.

"Y- Yeah... Take as much as you want, Moca." I said to her as I smiled.

"I would but I still have band practice. Bye Y/n~ Bye Saaya~ See you at our concert!" Moca said as she stood up and left.

"Someone has a crush on Moca~" Saaya softly hummed, making me blush.

"Is it that obvious? She's cute, what can I say?" I said as I chuckled.

"So do you plan on asking her out?" Saaya asked.

"I don't even know if she even likes me. My love for her is like my love for bread. Filled with good intent and never ending." I said to Saaya. Did I just say something cheesy?

"Whatever you say, Y/n~ Whatever you say~" Saaya said to me as I left the bakery.




~The day of the concert~

Here I am, enjoying the free concert Moca gave me just because I gave her bread. I luckily got a front row viewing as I went to the venue way earlier than anyone. Ran's vocals are on point as always. Moca's strumming is as wonderful as ever. Himari's plays are as danceable as always. Tsumugi and her keyboard are as slick and mellow as last time. And Tomoe's drum is as great as always. It really makes you dance to the rhythm. It's great...

It's the same as always.

The concert ended as I went to them and congratulated them.

"Congratulations on the successful concert!" Huh? Why is Moca the only one here?

"Moca? Where are the others?" I asked.

"They already left but I would go to the bakery, care to join?" Moca asked, making me blush.

"I'd be glad to join you." I said as I smiled. Me and Moca started walking to the Yamabuki Bakery. The walk was oddly quiet so I decided to make some small talk to break the awkward atmosphere

"How's school been?" I asked her.

"I'm doing fine, how about you?" Moca asked.

"Doing fine as well. I may need to review more in mathematics though." I said as I sheepishly scratched the nape of my neck.

"We can study together sometime and fall asleep~" Moca said, of course Moca would say that. She'd often nap during class.

And soon enough we arrived at the bakery.

"Saaya! We will buy all melon breads!" I announced to her as I and Moca entered the bakery.

"Hm? Are you two on a date?" Saaya said with a smug look on her face.

"You can say that." I said, making Moca blush... She blushed? Is this a sign?

"Alright, here's the bread. Have fun with your date!" Saaya said as I took the bag filled with bread. Me and Moca sat down at our usual spot and started eating.

"The bread is as tasty as ever~" Moca said as she took a big chomp on the bread.

"Of course, the Yamabuki bakery never disappoints." I said as I took a bigger chomp on another piece of bread.

"Oh, Y/n, I have something to tell you after we eat." Moca said, making my heart beat faster.

"Alright, I have something to tell you as well." I reassured her.

We immediately devoured the bag filled with melon bread, leaving the both of us full. The two of us exited as Moca started talking.

"So... Y/n, I love you~" Moca said as nonchalantly as ever.

"Heh... I love you too." I said as I pulled Moca in for a kiss. She didn't resist and her lips taste like bread.

"Hey, do you think Saaya saw us kiss?" I asked as I laughed nervously.

"She probably did but hey maybe she'd give us free bread as a gift." Moca said as she chuckled.

"I'll be hoping for that."


[Quint here, my writing for bandori has obviously gotten rusty but nevertheless I hope you still enjoyed reading!]

- Written by Q_lover

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