003. party till we arent sober

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october 2nd,

"- and he didn't even fucking call or text me", astrid complained to zoe. " i mean he loves me right?" zoe sighed, "of course he does, he freaking birthed you" "- helped birth you." she corrected herself leaning back down on the chair. they were in the middle of getting ready for the party, while astrid ranted about her parental issues.

astrid sighed, applying her mascara. "im like his first born kid, he should show me more attention." as she grabbed her mirror checking to see if she smudged her makeup. "but you know i get it, maude is the golden child."

applying finishing spray, the blonde turned to her best friend. " enough about me, how's carl?"

turning to the blonde zoe giggles, " amazing. i really like him, you know? but im not sure about the whole commitment. i don't want the same thing to happen." the brunette confesses getting up from her seat to check out her dress, turning to astrid for assurance.

glaring at her bestfriend, she scoffed walking towards her dark haired friend, cupping her face. " zoe, babe. no one is like him, not even karl. who who im not going to name, was an asshole who i want to - even to this day - beat the shit out of."

zoe and astrid share a giggle, "that makes two of us." she joked, nodding her head.

"look at us, we are fucking hot." the blonde sang, looking at herself in the mirror. her and zoe have matching silk dresses hers in black with black matte colour heels and a smoky eye look, with zoe in a gold, paired with her sparkled makeup, pulled together with white heels. astrid was right, they were fucking hot.


arriving at the beverly hill mansion party hosted by audrey davis, astrid's manager. throughout the years audrey has become a parent figure for the 25 year old. since her mother and father mostly paid attention to her younger sister, audrey was a life saver. guiding her through the music industry, davis understood her situation and helped astrid, and made her into the singer she is today.

handing her keys to the waiter, the two walked into the party meeting with audrey. "astrid, hi!" the manager shouted over the loud music, "you're here, amazing."

releasing from her hug, astrid introduces her bestfriend, "auds, this is zoë my absolute bestfriend."

going in for a hug introducing herself, audrey remembers
"ash, colson? you know him?" with the blonde nodding in agreement the manager continues, "well he's here, with megan fucking fox, did you know they were dating? cute couple, anyways he brought some dude pete? something like that he dated grande, i think."

"pete davidson?" astrid asks, figuring its the snl actor.

"yeah, they're here and were looking for you." audrey mentions pointing towards the trio, whom were smoking per usual.

excusing herself, the blonde walks over to the couple and the third wheeler. "astrid! what's up man." colson shouts over the ear splitting music, no one knows why he'd want to sit next to the speaker.

getting up from her seat megan pulls astrid into a hug, "oh my god, you look freaking amazing!" she giggles.

"thank you megan." astrid giggles, taking a seat next to the actress.

as pete watches from afar, waiting for colson to introduce him. has he texted her? yes. was it in a groupchat? yes. did he once mention to colson, he thought she was hot? also yes, but in his defense he was high.

finally realizing why pete keeps ushering towards her, colson decides to finally introduce his bestfriend to his other bestfriend. "astrid, this is pete. pete, astrid." he said pointing back and fourth.

standing up pete goes to shake her hand, while astrid goes for a high five. "well- uh yeah." pete mumbles, going in for a high five to make this whole talk less awkward.

"hi peter."


"peter." astrid shouted, not calling him by his name.

in defeat the davidson whispers "peter's fine."

now in success the blonde, grabs megan, shouts quick goodbyes, and heads towards the bar.

sitting on the stools, astrid calls the bar tender over, "ma'am may i help you?" said the man with a name tag saying 'ted'.

"hi, yes can i have a martini? please." megan asks.

looking over at the dark haired brunette, astrid groaned, " thats to, whats the word?- oh light, comeon we're at a party! let's get four shots of tequila please."

nodding the man started making the shots.

thinking if she forgot something, the blonde gasps. "zoë i left zoë where is she?"

confused megan shrugs, "maybe text her?"

"text her? oh yeah okay, smart." grabbing her phone astrid dials her bestfriend's number. after 5 rings she answers. "zoë? where are you?" "oh, so you left me for a man?" "im devastated, is it karl?" "okay, bye"

rolling her eyes astrid explains how zoë left with karl when he arrived as she was ready for the big "i love you".

obviously understanding, the girls walk back over to the guys with a shot in each hand. handing one to pete, and another to colson, the actresses sit back down.

cols starts the countdown, "ready? okay. one, two, three."


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