020. studio

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the blonde arrived to the studio. max, the music producer, has his mouth open as he watches her walk in, "wow. she's alive!"  this makes the blonde's cheeks go red as people begin to stare at her.

"shut the fuck up maximus." she whispers in his ear as they hug. he hums in response which only aggravates her. "so what are we doing today?" seth asks as the three sit on the couch inside the studio.

astrid crosses her legs getting comfortable, "we're making this album. right now." "right now?" max repeats, she nods her head in response. "let's get this shit done." seth yells and everyone agrees.


hours go by with the two laughing, and thinking of different tunes for the song tracks. so far they have seven songs; needed me, lose you to love me, misery business, love you like a love song, a soulmate who wasn't meant to be, and without me. not including two of the singles that came out prior. "i think i'll release it late december? what do you think?"

"do whatever you want ash, i think you should release another single before that. what about liability?" the producer asks.


"so the album name is still going to be 'sadderdaze' correct?"

astrid smiles, "obviously, also i have two choices for the album cover, which do you think we should keep? one or two?" she asks showing him both.

he pics the cover and stands up, "they don't know whats coming. fuck you logan lerman." he starts to chant with the others join him, "fuck you logan, fuck you logan." obviously the whole studio was slightly tipsy. astrid joined them in their stupidity.

"max!" she yells as he and the others hug her in a group hug. "you know you love it shut up." she rolls her eyes even though it's true, she forgot how much she missed these idiots.

as they all calmed down she noticed someone she'd never really seen before putting her phone away quickly like she's hiding something the blonde brushed it off; everyone has something to hide.

"astrid?" seth asks breaking the conversation between her and max. she hums showing her attention has turned towards him. "aren't you going on tour with cols, trav, and yungblud?"

by now the whole studio was facing towards her, "um, me and colson aren't the best of friends at the moment."

"what happened?" max asks, his face now showing concern as he remembers that she and colson have been friends for years.

astrid looks down into her lap where her hands rest, she starts to twist around her rings, "just some stupid shit. it doesn't matter really." she assures.

as the darkness starts to settle outside, people begin to leave until it's only max and astrid.

astrid laying down on the couch while max is on the other end with her legs in his lap. both have a drink in their hands. "max?" astrid asks putting her drink on the side table. "i'm gonna go, thank you for everything. do you think it's ready for us to release on january 19th?" she asks smiling.

"why the nineteenth?" his mind wanders thinking why until it clicks, "you're an asshole you know, but a sneaky little motherfucker." he says laughing, "god you're good, fuck logan."

"fuck logan." she repeats getting up and grabbing her bag. "oh do you still want to release liability, ash?"

she nods in responce, "tomorrow at midnight. bye love ya!" she yells as the door closes behind her.

as she walks to her car she grabs her phone, and calls zoe. "zoe, i need your help right now. can you come over?"  she asks not even saying hello.

"yeah, what's up?" zoe asks, ash can hear get grabbing her keys from the rattling in the background. "im going to release a song tonight a need a pic for instagram for it."

excitement fills zoe as she loves taking pictures, "i'm on my way like now." and with that the two hang up and drive to astrid's house.

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