030. coaster

838 27 15

astrid was right, their relationship hardly would last. pete got into drugs again after they got back together; his excuse was 'at least we're back together babe.' elordi had placed an order to send astrid roses for her birthday and had forgotten all about them. that started a fight between astrid and pete, him thinking she's sneaking around with him, and her mad he's jealous with even jacob apologized for this.

he had no right to think she was cheating, if only he knew how much she loved him. how those months without were hell. but despite the little fights, and the drugs, the two still tried to make it work with him only doing it out of her house and not inside or around her. even though she used to smoke weed every once in a while, now she hated it.

she knew he wasn't the one for her, but she wanted him to be; at least deep down.

today marked the 25th birthday of the singer. astrid loved the feeling of getting older. unlike others, she felt it meant she was surviving through the pain in the world she was still there, her heart beating. pete was surprising her with a dinner they'd be attending later on in the evening.

he had just told her, get ready we're going out. after telling her, pete had left to go 'take care of something', that something was doing drugs with colson at his house.

the musical of phone calls rang throughout the morning, the first person telling her happy birthday being jacob through a text. which frankly she was glad he texted her, she didn't want pete getting jealous all over again.

thankfully, they ended whatever they had in good terms.

just as she was putting on her makeup her phone rang, "hey" she said as she answered.

"hi babe," zoe answered seeming sincere, "do you know where pete is?"

she nodded no, "he went to take care of something, i don't know. honestly its whatever."

zoe sighed, "ash, he's out smoking with colson. is there something wrong with you two? when we last talked you seemed happier than ever."

the blonde hummed, "ever since we got together again, he started drugs again. guess what his excuse was."

"we're back together i don't have to be sober anymore?" zoe asked unsure of her answer.

"ding ding ding."

zoe scoffed, "what a fucking ass. i'm sorry for saying this but why are you with him still? he's a walking red flag."

"he gets me, i'm a sucker for him zoe. jacob texted me today, he was the first to say happy birthday." she confessed.

zoe gasped, "i thought i was? i'm honestly hurt. what'd he say?"

astrid sat down her brush and grabbed her phone opening the message, "hey ash, happy birthday. sorry about the flowers,"

she cut her off, "flowers? he send you fucking flowers?"

"yeah," astrid began again, "have a great day, hope every things good."

zoe hummed, "hm, sounds like he's over it and dry but since the flowers it feels like he still likes you."

"what do i do, what do i say. help."

zoe giggled, "i'm excited so, text back, thank you for the flowers i love them, hope every things good for you."

she could hear the blonde texting as she spoke, "and post the flowers."

astrid stopped, "no. what the fuck? pete would get so jealous."

zoe groaned, "for fucks sakes, astrid, did pete get you any?" the silence answered her question.

"that answers it, so do it please. also talk to pete he can't be sneaking around smoking like a teenager; tell him to man up, and if you're feeling extra say pick doing drugs or you. he'll pick you and then it'll be good k?"

astrid nodded, "thank you zoe, love you bye."

"love you too ash, happy birthday." the call ended and it left astrid thinking.

debating whether she should take the advice or not. mentally preparing herself for the fight she's about to have, she posts the flowers. immediately regretting lots of fucking things.

astridmann posted on their story !
20 minutes ago . . .

jacobelordi replied to your story

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jacobelordi replied to your story

glad you love them ash,
you deserve everything.
' 🤍 '

thank u elordi, i rlly
appreciate it

excited for your 25th?

overly, how've u been?

i tried that acia bowl you wanted
me to try


not gonna lie
it was pretty fucking bomb

and he admits

did you every try the devil in
the detail?

i was so fucking up.never again

why do i feel like you're having some
more soon?

i am offended that u're correct
oh shit i gotta go i have some shit to
talk about, talk later?

i'm always correct
okay, talk later. happy birthday

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