026. bad at love

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tw; gaslighting, and manipulation

he was clearly high but she didn't care; not her problem anymore. the snl actor stumbled towards her. "who was that you were with?" he slurred the liquor on his lips could be smelt for miles.

"none of your fucking business, pete." she said stepping back from him. he followed her, "it is my business!," he stopped midway leaning on the kitchen island, "astrid i'm sorry, i- i didn't mean anything i said. i swear." he confesed, not believing him astrid rolled her eyes.

"i don't really care pete, you hurt me." pete shook his head, "no i didn't."

she scoffed, "internally, yes you did. what you said hurt me petey." she said tears wanting to spill as she remembered what he had said. "and i don't care for your fucking apology."

this time pete scoffed, "come on ash,i didn't mean it i swear. give me a second change." he asked taking a sip from a bottle he had on the counter. "i broke in cause i wanted to see you. you didn't text me back. and who was that guy again?"

"his name's jacob." she said picking her nails.

he nodded, "you fucking him to?" he asked licking his lips.

"fuck you pete." she yelled at him taking offense, "i'm not one of your little hookers."

pete laughed at her, "we both know you fucked him, be honest. did you? did he fuck you like i would?" her eyes now showing concern, he never acted this way. what the fuck happened to pete.

"we never fucked, get it right." she flipped him off walking towards the front door.

"pete we never dated and we never will if you continue to act like this." she screamed at him which made him rolls his eyes.

"okay yeah, i'm sorry astrid for real. like i'm grateful someone cares for me; no one's ever done that before. i'm thankful for you astrid, and if you let me kiss you right now i promise to change. i promise." he assured, stepping closer to her, "but you gotta be honest with me, did you and jacob hookup?" he asked once again.

she looked up at him as he was now inches away from her, "yes. we fucked." she confessed. "did you fuck that hooker? be honest now."

pete smirked at her, "yeah, we fucked. the whole week. every night, every day". he said hurting her even more.

"no you didn't, you did not fuck her multiple times. once maybe, but more? no." she said out loud trying to deny his confession.

pete stepped back to sit on the couch, "but i did ash? didn't i promise to be honest? this is me being honest."

tears now began to spill, "fuck you pete davidson."

he smiled seeing as his lies got to her, "see how it hurts?" he asked she turned back to him confusion written all over her face. "see how seeing someone you like confessing to fucking someone, see how it hurts. it burns doesn't it?" astrid smiled, "you're right petey, you're always right. i did fuck jacob, and it was the best sex i've ever had. i loved every minute of it."

"oh yeah?"

"yeah." she argued back.

"every time i fucked that bitch back on tour, i pictured she was you. every time. i even moaned your name, if you believe it. rather you love me back or not, i will always love you." he screamed at her as she walked away.

astrid stopped walking away. "what?"

he nodded, "every time. its always you."

"stop" she said, tears now streaming down her face. the mascara that once was full now falling down her face. "just go pete. you're drunk or high. i don't care. you don't control who i date."

"fine. whatever maybe ill go over to that 'hookers' house." he scoffed as he left.

the blonde walked into her room, and onto her bed. she scoffed as she looked at herself in the mirror. pathetic.

she grabbed her phone and dialed max. "hey max, can we release the album sooner?"

the man laughed, "fuck yes. how soon?"

astrid smiled, "two days?"

"done deal, send me the cover and i got you." he said before hanging up.

her truth must be said. and with that, she fell asleep. mascara still ruined. her phone on silent with texts from pete, probably angry at her, again.

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