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A little back story
Sirius belongs to a very narrow minded but very rich family of London, Blacks. Blacks had kept Sirius in house arrest from the age of 6, in between from his primary school because Sirius started to question them.

According to Blacks, people who are below them are worthless, they are only there servants. But Sirius thinks them as living beings, not worthless not just servants.

He started to question them and endup in a house arrest till his college time. Blacks had tutor him at home only, they were trying to complete his whole education at home but it is illegal.

So they finally give up, and with alot of warning they put Sirius in Hogwarts university. They give him warning because firstly everyone from there family had gone to Hogwarts for generations, so if Sirius is stepping out of house he have to go there only. Secondly because Hogwarts had a rule that students have to live in university only.

Sirius was so happy, he will finally step out from his house after 11 years. He know he joined late because of his parents, they were perparing Sirius for outer world. Not in good way but in a way in which he can't be corrupted.

They had beaten him so much just to tell him that if he ever do anything other than study in university, then the result will not be good.

In childhood Sirius was a kind of boy, that can make friends just by smiling at them but after all the incidents Sirius becomes quiet, very quiet. He used to had one friend in his primary school James, but after being house arrest his only friend was his younger brother Regulus.

But when Regulus started going to school, their parents kind of separate them because they doesn't want their older son, the heir of Blacks to get corrupted. Sirius had lived alone for like 8 years, without friends, without no one to talk.

Present day
Now he is at Hogwarts, he is sitting in the principal office with his parents. His parents had selected the course for him. He will be studying business because he has handle his father business after university.

"Hello Sirius" the principal said. Sirius look over his mom dad for asking permission that he could speak or not, his parents chuckles

"I am sorry he is just shy" his father said and his mother give him the look.

"He-hello sir" Sirius stammered,

"It's okay, if you don't want to talk there is no need" the principal said.

"I am Albus Dumbledore and I am going to put you Gryffindor" Albus said and Sirius nodded.

"Professor McGonagall is the head of your house and he is your new roommate, Peter Pettigrew" he continued and motioned towards a average height guy standing at door with dull face.

"Peter, what's wrong" Albus asked,

"Nothing Professor but can I take him with me already. Lily is waiting for me, it's football game today" Peter replied, Albus smile and nodded.

"Go with him, but don't get influence by him or his friends. I don't like him" Sirius' mother hissed in his ear, Sirius nodded and pick his bags.

"Since you are late, so Peter and his friends can help you to recover everything here. Right Peter" Albus said and Peter nodded with very fake smile. He like making new friends but today is football game and Professor is making him late and late.

"You, you don't have to come with me. Um You can just tell me where my room is. I guess I will find the way" Sirius said, he doesn't want to bother him more.

"Hey chill, I can show you your- actually our room. And then you can come with me to the game also" Peter said excitedly and throw his arm over Sirius shoulder. Sirius gets sacred with sudden contact.

"Hey sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Sorry" Peter apologies quickly after seeing Sirius uncomfortable.

"No its okay, I guess thats how friends use to be" Sirius replies with a assuring smile. Peter was gonna ask some more questions but they reached their room.

"Okay so quickly put bags in and then we can go. And I am not asking you are coming with me that's it" Peter said with full seriousness. Sirius just nodded.

He put his stuff on his bed and they left the room for game. Sirius saw one redhead girl is waving towards them, he turned to Peter with questionable look.

"Yes she is Lily, she is the most prettiest and kindess girl of the college. If you need any help you can go to her, she is very helpfull and sweet" Peter introduce her.

"He is Sirius my new roommate, he joined today only" Peter introduce Sirius to her.

"Hey" Lily said and hold her hand out, Sirius take a step back

"H-Hello" Sirius stammer.

"He have some problem with touching i guess" Peter whispers in Lily' ear, she nods and look at Sirius. He is looking so sweet and innocent like some small child. She smile sympathic and gesture to seats she saved, lucky there are 3 seats left.

"By the way I know he had already introduced me by saying I am the prettiest and kindness girl and all that. But he is also famous chef of our college, if you ever need anything you can always tell him. He will make it without any issues" Lily said to Sirius, Peter just smile and nodded, Sirius felt happy, welcomed with them.

"Do you, do you guys know anyone in the team" Sirius asked them because they both were looking very invested in the game.

They both give him a look and start laughing "Sorry, don't want to disturb you. You, you both continue." Sirius said and takes out his small sketch pad and start drawing everything he sees.

He rough sketched a boy with glasses and messy hair, "He is James, captain of the team and Lily's boyfriend. He is the most wanted boy of our college" Peter said pointing out him.

"Next to him his Frank, he is a nice fella, there can you see that black hair girl" Peter asked and Sirius nodded "she is Alice, Frank' girlfriend."

"Then there is Aruther, its his last year in the college and there she is Molly his fiance. They both are gonna marry after Molly' graduation." Peter introduced everyone, almost everyone.

"Who are those" Sirius asked seeing three more boys in the game.

"Those, one will gresy hair is Severus then next to him with long hair is Lucius and last one is Tom. Those are douch bags, stay away from them okay. And those two over their, are there girlfriends" Peter was interrupted by Sirius

"Bellatrix and Narcissa Black" Sirius said in small voice.

"Hey how you know them" Lily asked suddenly,

"Um they both are my cousins" Sirius said,

"I am Sirius Black. Its okay If you guys want me to leave. I can go, sorry" Sirius started to pack his stuff.

"Hey no no, we like you. We know you are not like them" Lily stopped him and give him a assuring smile while Peter nodded, Sirius return the smile and stay seated there. Literally hiding from those five douchbags.

Sirius eyes suddenly stop at a boy, he is taller than Sirius definitely, he had tone body can see throw football jersey because of sweat it got stick to his body, he has gold brown curly messy hair. Sirius get so lost staring at the boy that he becomes unaware from the surrounding. Peter shakes him to come to back to reality.

"Umm sorry" Sirius apologies

"I got zoned out" he smile with embrassment, he don't know what and how he felt that but he felt something by looking at that boy.

"Who is he" Sirius pointing the finger to the boy.

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