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Remus wakes up after 2 hours and feel a little weight on his chest and a arm around his waist, he looks at Sirius' sleeping face and smile. He pick his phone and text Lily.

Lilsss. Listen up

Yes Rem, whats up ;)

Whats with the winky face?

We know where are you.
Btw hows Sirius now?

Shut up and he is okay now, sleeping. But I have texted you for a help and please convince James and Peter also for this.

Tell me whatever you need, and James and Peter are fine with Sirius now.

Yeah so okay, good.
So it's his birthday today, and I was thinking can you all go and buy a phone for him , we all will chip in. And buy a cake also pleaseee.

Sure Rem, whatever you need.
A phone and a chocolate cake on the way.
Ly <3

Thank you Lils, lyt <33
And Lils number also.

I know Rem.

Okay bye. <33

Remus close his phone and put it on the side table, he is again start stroking Sirius' hair. After sometime he notice Sirius start to wake up. "Morning kitten" Remus said, stroking his hair.

"Moning" Sirius replies sleepily.

"You feeling good now" Remus ask.

Sirius gets up and sit on the bed back against the wall. "I am okay, thank you" Sirius said looking the Remus with smile on his face.

Remus gets up and sit infront of him, he hold his hands and rubs softly. "Can we talk" he ask. Sirius nodded

"Will tell me what's wrong" Remus ask again, Sirius nodded.

"I-I like you as a friend very much, I like talking with you and having you by my side. But, I can't talk to you. I just can't be friends with you and them. I am sorry. I am so sorry, for calling you that" Sirius apologies not making eyes contact with Remus.

Remus hold his chin and title his head up so that he can see his face, Remus smile "Its okay, we can keep it as a secret if you want" Remus said and Sirius nodded.

They both were staring eachother with little blush and a shy smile. Sirius blink between Remus' eyes and lips 2-3 times, Remus gain a little courage and rub his thumb softly on Sirius' lips. Sirius smile and Remus starts to lean in, he was wishing that he was reading the sign correctly, he don't want to loose him again, Sirius closes his eyes.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIRIUS" James, Peter and Lily open the room door and shouted making Sirius jump and Remus glares at them. James, Peter and Lily giggle and mouthed 'sorry', Remus just smile and hold Sirius.

"Shit we are sorry, we forgot but happy birthday" Lily said, James and Peter put Sirius' gift and cake box infront of him. Sirius looks at Remus and he nodded, he open the cake box and smile.

"Thank you" Sirius said, his voice is breaking.

"Come on, cut the cake" Peter said excitedly as Lily light up the candles.

"Noo, first wish something, then blow the candles then cut the cake" Lily said and close Peter' mouth, everyone laugh. Sirius feel happy around them.

Sirius make a wish then blow the candle and cut the cake, everyone clap. Sirius pick a piece hold infront of Remus he takes a bite then Sirius feed Peter then James and then Lily. They also feed him in return and he starts to cry.

"Hey what's wrong, did we did something, you don't like it. We are sorry" Lily panicked.

Sirius shakes his head, "No no. I am happy, I am very happy. I haven't cut cake on the my birthday since ages. Thank you soo much really I mean it. I am sorry for yesterday" Sirius said and cries on Remus shoulder.

They all sit around Sirius while Remus calm him, "Here open this" James said, giving Sirius the gift, trying to distract Sirius and lighten up the mood.

Sirius opens the gift and see phone, he put it down. "No no, I can't have it. If my mother gets to know about, the result will be not good and then Reggie. No" Sirius start panicking.

Remus holds him, "Siri nothing will happen okay. I promise no one will know that you own a phone only us, only us 5, no one else. Please have its for your own safety okay" Remus said "And why will your mother will not like it and what about Reggie. Tell us, maybe we can help" Remus said, Sirius shakes his head.

"No no, no one can help me. My family is very rich and have contact no one can help me. And if I say something then they will go to Reggie. No, not him" Sirius hold his knees close to his chest.

"Who is Reggie, Sirius" Remus ask, he wanted to help him but he can't deny he is little jealous with this Reggie person. James, Lily and Peter seems to understand it.

"Reggie, he is my everything. Whatever I do, I do only for him" Sirius said with a sad smile, Remus can't help but feel more jealous.

"He, he is my little brother." Sirius said, and James and Peter start laughing, Lily giggle a little while Remus feel very embarrass. He was getting jealous with his little brother, omg he is so carzy.

"What happened?" Sirius ask confusingly

"Nothing, leave it. Tell us more about him" Lily ask and shush James and Peter. Sirius nodded and cling little bit on Remus, he likes when Remus holds him.

"He is 2 years younger, very intelligent but kind of stupid also. He means everything to me, I love him the most. But we haven't talk in about 8-9 years I guess" Sirius said and starts breaking down. Remus hold him and rubs his back.

"Umm, his name is Regulus Black right" James asked shocking Sirius, Sirius nodded.

"And he went to France when he was in 6th standard I guess and he haven't come back till now. And you both wouldn't talk to eachother because firstly, you was house arrest and secondly you mom dad don't allow it" James asked again and Sirius nodded.

"How did you know about all these things" Sirius asked


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