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TW: Abuse and slur word

"Tell me more, Sirius. I want to hear more" Regulus says.

"You remember James from school" Sirius ask.

"Yes of course, he was my first friend because of you. What about him" Regulus ask happily.

"He is in my college, apparently now he is very famous and have a very pretty and kind girlfriend. I am his friend again" Sirius says.

"Again?. You were his friend already" Regulus ask confusingly.

"He don't recalls me but he remembers you. So I am his friend again and I am friends with his more friends also, his girlfriend, Lily. She is pretty, very pretty red head. He have another friend Peter, he is cute and he cooks very well." Sirius says smilingly.

"And?" Regulus ask again.

"And he has another friend, Remus Lupin. He is very kind and handsome you know. He is in college football team, he have cute freckles on his nose and around it. He so tall Reggie, and he give world best hugs. He is very gentle and caring and protective about me. You know he had beaten Lucius and Tom because they were bullying me and he shouted and gave warning to everyone about it. He is very sweet Reggie, I like being with him alot. He told me a thing when I feel sad or lonely I can also go to him and ask him for gud no cud yes for cuddles. You know Reggie it's very amazing thing, I felt very nice after that. You can come to me whenever you feel like that. I already miss him Reggie." Sirius finish fondly and looks at Regulus' surprised but happy face.

"Sirius" Regulus says softly, Sirius nods.

"You know what it all means right" Regulus ask very carefully, and Sirius just nods.

"You like-" Sirius cut him off.

"Please don't say it, please." Sirius begs. "I can't, I don't want to feel like this. I can't Reg" Sirius starts crying.

"Why not, it's okay Sirius it's normal. In France it's very normal, here also it's good Sirius. It's not a big deal" Regulus tries to assure him.

"No no no, I can't. I am marrying a girl you know. Parents going to make the announcement on your birthday. I have to marry her. No no I can't feel like this" Sirius shakes his head.

"But Sirius you are really very fond of him, you like him Sirius and it seems that he likes you too" Regulus says.

"No, no, I can't. I can't put my happiness infront for yours no never. Never." Sirius says sternly.

"What that means Sirius" Regulus raise his voice a little.

Sirius realise what he just said, "Oh nothing. Don't worry about it you. Just um, just go now. I have to sleep" Sirius tries to push Regulus out from his room.

"No, tell me what it means" Regulus ask a little loudly this time and he stop Sirius from pushing him.

"Nothing I am telling you. I don't like him, I am not a faggot Regulus. I don't like him" Sirius says, trying very hard to mean it.

"Don't bullshit me Sirius. I just saw how you were telling about him. Don't tell me you don't like him" Regulus argue.

"No I don't and I can't okay just go" Sirius raise his voice a little.

"No I will not go, first you will tell me, whats going on in this bloody house" Regulus argue.

"No I will not. Just shut up and leave" Sirius shouts and opens the door for Regulus but instead he comes face to face with his mother.

He quickly drop his attitude and stands still. "What are you two doing together. I had told you before to not to talk with eachother." Walburga says and steps towards Regulus, raising her hand up.

"Mother I called him. It's not his fault." Sirius steps in between them.

Walburga doesn't even think and slap her older son. Sirius jerk a little but stands still, "I had told you before also not to talk with him. Can't you understand that" Walburga shouts on Sirius.

"I am sorry mother. I will not repeat it again" Sirius apologies quickly.

"Regulus go to your room" Walburga says in a soft tone. Regulus just stands there in shock, he nods and goes to his room.

"Now Sirius we have talked about it. You know what will happen when you disobey" Walburga says and sits on the bed.

Sirius nods and bring a leather stick from downstairs. He gives that stick to his mother and stands in front for her. Walburga hits that stick on his son bare arms and back.

"Ma'am I am sorry, I will not talk to Regulus. Please" Sirius begs.

"Its not only about Regulus. You are still talking with those faggots." Walburga shouts and hits his son.

"No ma'am" Sirius lies, all though he is scared to death.

"Don't lie to me. Bellatrix told how that Lupin had beaten Tom and Lucius on your birthday and how he shouted on every student" she shouted again.

"But mother they were bullying me" Sirius cries.

"I don't care. You could have fight with them but no you were crying there like a girl. He beats them why?" She asked digging her nails in his forearm.

"I didn't know ma'am, but I did not talk with them. I promise." Sirius lies again.

Walburga push him back making him fall on the ground. "Stop crying like a girl, go sleep. And be presentable tomorrow Cygnus and Druella are coming tomorrow with Bellatrix and Narcissa" she said and kicks him the stomach before leaving the room.

He gets up and whine due to pain, he close the door and sits on the bed and start crying. He don't why his parents treats him like this. He is in so much pain, his mother didn't even see before kicking in him on stomach, his wounds are open again because of it.

He again clean himself and tries to sleep but he couldn't, his whole body is paining. He don't have any painkillers, his mother and father always took painkiller from him saying 'Only in this way you will understand not to repeat the mistake again'. He misses his university, his room, his misses Remus and his wramth, his arms and his cuddles. He misses him so much, he cries and eventually falls asleep.

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