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Weeks later

It was going to be weeks now when neither of Remus' groups had talked to Sirius. They all were angry with him except Lily. She is trying so hard to convince them

"Guys I am telling Sirius don't feel like that, something is wrong," but they all just don't care at that moment.

Sirius getting bullied so much, students had seems to understand that Sirius reacts on being touch, called out loudly by his name or even with any kind of loud voice. They intentionally bump into him to him drop all his stuff and starts shivering, they shout his name in corridors and then hide somewhere.

Sirius daily endup crying in his room, or sometimes even in bathroom in between classes. He misses Peter and Remus beside him, they were like the protecting bubble which he bust himself. He is alone, again, he has no one to talk or to eat with.

He usually skip his lunch because its so awkward to eat alone in cafeteria. Everyone makes fun of him and laughs at him, so during lunch time he sits in a isolated area near the black lake and sketch the view but mostly he sketch someone from memory.

Remus has been seeing this and he is worried about Sirius, so he daily leave a sandwich or wrap in Sirius' locker (he has his own ways for it) but he is also very angry at him to talk.

Remus don't like when Sirius gets bullied and he didn't show it also but somehow all Sirius' bullies end up getting beaten by Remus for small things, no one how.

It's 3rd Nov today, Sirius' birthday but no body knows in the college (Sirius had joined college in October) except Bellatrix and Narcissa. They both thought to have some fun with him so they told this about to their boyfriends. Sirius is in a happy mood, he haven't got bullied yet, birthday miracle he gussed and he is eating lunch in cafeteria.

Sirius happily eats his lunch, occasionally admiring Remus from far and smiling. "Happy birthday princess" Lucius said, tapping his shoulder.

"Bet mumma had send you a cake" Tom said and students start laughing. They both were loud, whole cafeteria could hear them including Remus and group.

They both were touching him, making him really uncomfortable, Sirius eyes are again fill with tears. Remus had enough, he can't see this anymore, he put his spoon loudly on the table and march towards them with rage in his eyes. James and Peter also follow him to support though he don't need it but what are friends for.

Remus pushes the Tom away from Sirius and punch him directly in the face, James and Peter hold Lucius and Severus back. "You gits, can't you see he is uncomfortable, he don't like to being touch" Remus yelled at them

"And how do you know about, have you touched him?" Tom smirk after saying this and Sirius starts crying. Remus heard Sirius crying and hit Tom til he can't open his mouth.

"First and last warning to everyone. Don't fucking dare to bully him again, you all had seen the result and I will not hesitate to do this again" Remus shouted. Everyone had taken back and they understand one thing, that Sirius is very important those three whether they talk to him or not.

Sirius grabs all his stuff runs out of cafeteria, Remus, James, Peter and Lily follows him. Sirius sits in the corner of a empty classroom and cry. Lily open the door and goes sit to besides him, "Hey, I am sorry. They shouldn't have had this" She apologies, Sirius continue to sobs. She tries to rubs his back but his flich and shift away, Lily sigh and walks out of the room.

"Remus you go, he will not talk with us. We know that" Lily said and point at the corner where Sirius is sitting, hiding from everyone.

Remus walk towards Sirius very quietly not to scare him more and sits infront of him. Sirius looks up at him with red eyes and puffy face, Remus gently push his hair back from his forehead and hold his cheek, rubbing his cheekbone with thumb.

"Hey cutie, it's your birthday today?" Remus ask softly, Sirius lean in the touch and softly nodded with tears falling down from his eyes.

"Why didn't you told anyone?" Remus ask and instantly regerts it, Sirius sobs more.

"Come lets go to your room okay" Remus ask and Sirius nodded. He help him to get up and walks out of the classroom.

"James please can you tell Dumbledore that he is not feeling well and Peter can you get me his stuff, please" both of them nodded. James and Lily goes to tell Dumbledore and Peter collect all of Sirius' stuff and give it to Remus.

Remus takes Sirius to his room, he make him sit on the bed, put his bag on the table and kneel down infront of him, holding his hands in his laps. "Kitten you good?" Remus ask, Sirius shakes his head.

"I-I am sorry" Sirius said, he choked because of crying so much. Remus grabs a bottle and pass it to Sirius.

"I am so sorry Remus" Sirius cries.

"Drink water Cutie" Remus said, Sirius open the caps and drink small amount of water.

"You had enough at lunch?" Remus ask, Sirius nodded his head.

"Okay then sleep, I am here only" Remus said, gently rubbing his thumb over Sirius' knuckles.

"Re, I am sorry, I-I didn't mean it that day." Sirius sobs, "My-my mother, she, Reggie" Sirius stammers, Remus shakes his head.

"Its okay kitten, have some rest then tell me. Take your time, I am not going anywhere." Remus said, Sirius lay down on the bed and Remus tuck him nicely.

"Want anything?" He ask stroking Sirius' hair softly.

"Can you, can you sit here?" Sirius shift a little to make space for him. Remus sit on the bed and Sirius put his head on his lap. Remus smile and move his hand in Sirius' hair.

"Its okay kitten sleep, I am here only" Remus said softly just to assure him. Sirius nodded and he sleeps on Remus' laps.

Remus was moving his one hand in Sirius' hair and using phone with other hand when he heard Sirius whimpers. "Hey cutie what's wrong?" Remus ask.

"I don't feel good," Sirius sobs.

"You want something, Sirius?" Remus ask


"What darling?"

"I don't know"

"Explain how are you feeling"

"M feeling cold, want something warm, but not like jacket or blanket, something to hold. I don't know. I always feel I like this, kind of empty" Sirius said in between sobs.

"Baby you want cuddles?" Remus ask with a smile.

"What is that?!" Sirius ask, looking up at Remus face with tears.

"I will show you okay, tell me if you feel weird. I will stop" Remus said and Sirius nodded.

Remus lay down beside Sirius and looks at him asking if this okay or not, Sirius nodded.

Remus hug Sirius and put Sirius' head on his chest gently combing his hair. "You feel good now? Is it okay?" Remus ask,

"Umm, its good." Sirius replies, within few minutes he fall back into sleep. Remus also fall asleep while cuddling him.

Peter opens the door and smile at the scene, he click the photo and sent it to James and Lily, both of them replied with heart.

They know Remus deserves happiness and somehow James and Peter also seems to understand that Sirius don't think like that its something wrong with his family and they will figure it out soon.

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