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TW: Abuse, F word and Blood

"Go to your room" Walburga hisses at his. "Both of you. And don't talk" she added after seeing that they both are looking at eachother with smile on there faces.

When they reached infront of their rooms Regulus silently pass a note to Sirius without their mother notice and smiles at him. Sirius quickly goes inside the room and lock the door behind, he sits on his bed and opens the note.

Will meet after dinner on roof.
Reg x

Sirius beam happily, finally he will be able to spend time with his little brother. He can't wait for the day to end, so they can have dinner fast and he can meet his little brother after that.

"Your father is coming in 20 minutes, get ready for dinner fast" Walburga shouts, echoing his voice in the whole damn house.

Sirius already had shower just after reading the note, he quickly dressup in black jeans and a nice jumper. From his childhood he had taught that always be presentable no matter what the time is.

He goes out from the room and sees Regulus wearing normal jeans and hoddie. He shurgges and get down for dinner. He sees his father is already sitting on the table with mother on his right.

"Hello sir" Sirius says and bow his head a little and sits on the left of his father. He doesn't want any kind of delay with things, he just want to spend time with brother fast.

"Hello father" Regulus says casually and smile at him. He sits on the left of Sirius, Orion, their father smile back at Regulus, who is using his phone in free time.

Sirius never understands why his parents are so easy on Regulus but so tough on him. He didn't mind though, he don't want his parents to hurt Regulus like they hurt him but he just want a little love and affection from them.

"Kreacher dinner" Walburga yells to their butler.

"Yes ma'am" Kreacher replies and severs the food in their plates.

"Sirius, in office" Orion says before getting up from the table after having dinner. Sirius quickly wipes his hands and follow his father.

Sirius stands at the door of the office waiting him to say something. "Come son" Orion says in a soft tone, which gets Sirius by surprise.

He stands near the fireplace, Orion passes him the drink. "Now you are old enough for it, here have it" he says.

With hesitation Sirius accpets the drink, "T-thank you sir" he stammer a little.

"Blacks don't stammer son" Orion tries to keep his anger in control.

"Sorry sir" Sirius quickly apologies.

"So now lets talk about your future son. I hope your mother had already told about your engagement with Vanessa Malfoy. We are thinking to announce it on Regulus' birthday party" Orion finish softly and takes a sip of his drink waiting for a reply form his son.

"B-but father I don't want to marry this soon. I-i don't want to marry Vanessa" Sirius stammers again because of nervousness.

Orion gets angry and without even thinking he slaps his son hard arcoss the face getting Sirius off gaurd. Sirius falls down on the floor breaking the glass under him. Glass pieces cuts his skin of his stomach through sweater.

"Now Sirius try again" Orion demands looking down at his son with rage in his eyes.

"I am sorry sir. But I don't feel I am ready enough" Sirius says trying hard to not break in front of his father, all though he is leaking blood through many cuts on his stomach.

"And why it will be a problem for us. We had already told you that when you will be 18 we will get you engage. You should have keep that in your mind. I think you have forgot all things we have taught you after going to college" Orion says in anger and kicks his son in the stomach pushing those glass pieces more in his stomach.

"Sit up" Orion has harshly and grabs his son roughly making him sit on the chair. "Now lets talk business, Sirius. As you know Malfoy's are very big name in our business world. They have said if you agrees to marry their daughter they will be our partner. And I am telling you this very sincerely, I don't want to waste this opportunity.

"But-" Sirius starts to say something but gets interprets by his father.

"I guess you don't understand this till now. I think I should call Regulus and orders him to marry Vanessa" Orion says sipping his drink.

"Father, he is so young. Please father" Sirius says and starts crying.

"So tell me Sirius what you want, your freedom or his" Orion asks very casually.

"Father" Sirius sounds very surprise

"C'mon Sirius fast. I don't have whole night for your whinning. Your's or his" Orion shouts.

"His" Sirius says and starts sobbing.

"Very good. Now go to room and stop crying like a faggot. You are a Black. Blacks don't cry." Orion growls at his son.

Sirius quickly wipes his tears, "Yes sir, sorry. Goodnight" He says and bow his head. Orion humm in response and he goes to his room for cleaning his wound.

He goes in his room and close the door behind him, he carefully removes his jumper and looks at the wounds in mirror. He sigh loudly and goes to bathroom for cleaning it with warm water. He opens the tap and wet the cloth to clean his wound, he hisses in pain and tears found their way through his eyes.

After cleaning them with water, he pull out anticipation and ointments for wounds. He seats on the bed tries to put antiseptic on it but he hears someone opens the door. He looks up and sees his brother standing on door with shock face.

"Hey Reggie come" Sirius tries to put a fake smile and quickly hide his wounds with blanket.

"Shut up Sirius" Regulus says in irritation. He sits beside him and removes the blanket from his stomach. "Why did you argue with him. You know how is he." Regulus ask, carefully cleaning them with antiseptic. "Sit straight" he says.

"Leave them. How are you Reggie. How's France" Sirius ask excitingly and tires to forget about the pain.

"I am good, France is very beautiful you know. I hope you should had come with me. But I got to know you are attending college here. How's the college. How they let you out" Regulus ask after putting ointments and bandages on the wounds

"Home college is not a thing so they have to let me out" Sirius says and tuck his tongue out causing Regulus chuckle.

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