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TW: Slur word

Next morning Sirius wakes up in unknown surrounding and with unknown sweater in his hands, he throw the sweater on the bed.

"Mum, Dad" Sirius calls softly, but in return he hears a loud voice he gets scares, tears falling down from his eyes. He gets inside duvet and grabs the sweater again.

Peter comes out from bathroom and sees Sirius in the duvet, holding Remus' sweater closely to his face. "Sirius hey, its me Peter, you new roommate. Remember yesterday you took admission in Hogwarts university and we had fun in party after football match" Peter speaks very softly, he doesn't want to make Sirius more sacred.

Sirius takes all the information, and process slowly. Finally remembering everything from yesterday he relaxe himself and sits up on the bed.

"Sorry, I just got scared." Sirius said with embrassment.

"Its okay, it was your first night here its normal. You know, at my first night I literally cried with James and Remus, and we end up sleeping together on my bed" Peter said and laugh after remembering that memory.

"Its very okay, there is no need to be sorry. We all had been there" He continued with a assuring smile, Sirius smiled back and gets up from the bed to ready for college.

Sirius takes his towel, brush, clothes and soap in the bathroom for getting ready. He comes out from the bathroom and put Remus' sweater without even realising.

"Um Sirius we don't have college today" Peter said after seeing that Sirius is putting books in bag. Sirius look at him with confuse expression,

"Today we have off because of yesterday's match. But we all can show you around" Peter infroms him, Sirius nodded in agreement.

Peter text in the group, while Sirius sat near the window sketching the beautiful view of the college. He is so happy to sketch something else other than his house.

The group of losers

Guys, lets show Sirius around today. He was very excited for college before i told him that we don't have college today :(

Aww baby. But I am going with Lily for full day. Sorry, can't </3

Same out with Alice. Sorry dude :(

Guyssssss, i suggested that idea because i thought you guys are free. I am also going out with Mary.... guysssssss he is looking so happy hoping to go to college todayyy. He is sketching the college guyssssssss. I can't break his heart. :(((((
Marlene, you and Dorcas are free right???

Already out, sorry :(((((

Remusss, hello why the fuck are you not replying?????
God shit, I have to break his heart then. Fuck you all and Fuck me too. Byeee

Peter close his phone and clears his throat, Sirius look at him with a cute smile hoping that they are going to see college. But his smile suddenly drop after seeing Peter' stressed up face.

"Um its okayy I don't wanna go. I have to set my stuff anyways." Sirius said, he doesn't want to bother or make Peter feel bad. Sirius close his sketchpad and put it on study table and starting to unpack all stuff.

Peter feels very bad, fuck I shouldn't had suggested that idea. Its all my fault he is looking so sad. Shit shit shit fuck me. Peter was scolding himself and walking out from that room when he bump into someone just after opening the door.

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